WP User Groups allows users to be categorized using custom taxonomies & terms.
- „Groups“ & „Types“ are created by default, and can be overridden
- More user group types can be registered with custom arguments
- Edit users and set their relationships
- Bulk edit many users to quickly assign several at once
- Filter the users list to see which users are in what groups
- Not destructive data storage (plugin can be enabled & disabled without damage)
- Works great with all WP User & Term plugins (see below)
Also checkout
Snímky obrazovky
- Download and install using the built in WordPress plugin installer.
- Activate in the „Plugins“ area of your admin by clicking the „Activate“ link.
- Visit „Users > Groups“ and create some groups
- Add users to groups by editing their profile and checking the boxes
Nejčastější dotazy
Does this create new database tables?
No. There are no new database tables with this plugin.
Does this modify existing database tables?
No. All of the WordPress core database tables remain untouched.
Does this plugin integrate with user roles?
No. This is best left to plugins that choose to integrate with this plugin.
Where can I get support?
- Community: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-user-groups
- Development: https://github.com/stuttter/wp-user-groups/discussions
Where can I find documentation?
WP User Groups je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „WP User Groups“ byl přeložen do 3 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “WP User Groups” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
[2.5.0] – 2021/03/23
- Improve compatibility with WP User Profiles plugin (props John Blackbourn)
[2.4.0] – 2018/10/04
- Simplify get and set functions for user terms
- Add support for advanced WP_User_Query arguments
- Fix custom column support in user taxonomies
[2.3.0] – 2018/10/03
- More descriptive text for bulk actions
- Fix bulk actions not working
[2.2.0] – 2018/06/05
- Add „Managed“ taxonomy type, so users cannot assign their own groups
[2.1.0] – 2018/04/16
- Add a dedicated nonce for each user taxonomy (thanks Tom Adams!)
[2.0.0] – 2017/10/24
- Fix bug with user filtering
- Fix bug with setting user terms
- Add
group argument to use radios instead of checkboxes
[1.1.0] – 2017/03/28
- Change default taxonomy to
in wp_get_users_of_group()
[1.0.0] – 2016/12/07
- WordPress 4.7 compatibility
- Improved bulk actions (requires WordPress 4.7)
- Official stable release
[0.2.1] – 2016/05/25
- Fix bug with user list
- Introduce wp_get_users_of_group() helper function
- Add unique class to administration forms
[0.2.0] – 2015/12/23
- Support for WP User Profiles 0.2.0
[0.1.9] – 2015/12/21
- Fix bug with User Profiles integration
[0.1.8] – 2015/11/11
- Support for WP User Profiles 0.1.9
[0.1.7] – 2015/11/09
- Update assets & meta
[0.1.6] – 2015/10/23
- Add support for WP User Profiles
[0.1.5] – 2015/10/13
- Added
property to taxonomies - Added functions for retrieving only user-groups from taxonomies global
[0.1.0] – 2015/09/10
- Refactor
- Improve asset management
- Styling tweaks
[0.1.2] – 2015/09/01
- Namespace default taxonomy IDs
[0.1.1] – 2015/08/24
- User profile UI uses a mock list-table
[0.1.0] – 2015/08/19
- Initial release