WP Peon is specifically design for back end developer so that they can easily look, modify WordPress files you can say alternate WP Editor. Goal is to provide friendly access to most common WordPress action and filters.
Custom HTML
Add custom HTML in header, footer and blog posts.
Execute PHP
Help to run PHP code in WordPress posts and pages using shortcodes generated by Execute PHP. Usage Type in shortcode and type in PHP Code and then click save. To create new code just change the shortcode and add renew code below or refresh page to clear existing values.
WP Explorer
An alternate WordPress Source Editor. With directory list view and open folder and nice breadcrumbs.
Modify .htaccess file or wp-config.php from Advance page. You can also enable debugging with given step and view debug.log directly on page.
- Move to Plugins->Add New->Upload Plugin and then upload plugin file there. After uploading click Activate and you are done.
- Extract the zip file and upload the resulting „wp-peon“ folder on your server under wp-content/plugins/.
Plugin admin page is accessible in Tools->WP-Peon or „/wp-admin/tools.php?page=wp-peon“
Nejčastější dotazy
- Why do you created this plugin?
I always got into situation when I have to modify .htaccess, wp-config.php or sometime plugins and themes files. WordPress existing editor is very painful when moving over directories that is why I created this plugin.
WP Peon je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Custom HTML
- Execute PHP
- WP Explorer
- Advance