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Welcome to the page of the WP Fastest Cache plugin, a WordPress cache plugin developed to speed up WordPress sites.
In today’s world where every second counts, optimizing your website’s performance is very important. Meet WP Fastest Cache, your caching plugin that you can use to speed up WordPress websites.
Optimize the performance of your website with WP Fastest Cache. Improve Google PageSpeed, Core Web Vitals, GTmetrix and Pingdom score with our wp cache plugin.
In addition, page speed is a ranking factor in Google’s search algorithm. Therefore, using cache plugins helps improve your SEO ranking. Our WordPress optimization plugin not only accelerates your site but also boosts SEO rankings.
- Mod_Rewrite, což je nejrychlejší metoda, se používá v tomto pluginu
- Při publikování příspěvku nebo stránky se odstraní všechny soubory v cache paměti
- Správce může ze stránky možnosti odstranit všechny soubory v cache paměti
- Správce může ze stránky možnosti odstranit minifikované soubory CSS a JS
- Blokujte cache paměť pro konkrétní stránku nebo příspěvek pomocí Short Code
- Časový limit cache paměti – Všechny soubory, v cache paměti, jsou odstraněny v určený čas
- Časový limit, cache paměti, pro konkrétní stránky
- Povolit/Zakázat cache paměť pro mobilní zařízení
- Povolit/Zakázat cache paměť pro přihlášené uživatele
- SSL podpora
- CDN support – Effortlessly enhance website speed and performance with seamless CDN integration, supporting Bunny CDN, Cloudflare, and various other leading CDN providers. CDN integration modifies the URLs of static resources, enabling these assets to be served from your CDN service provider
- Cloudflare support – Cloudflare integration triggers the clearing of the cache on Cloudflare through API when a cache purge is initiated. As a result, WP Fastest Cache and Cloudflare operate seamlessly in tandem
- Předběžně načíst cache paměť – Automaticky vytvoří cache paměť všech webů
- Vyloučit stránky a uživatelské agenty
- WP-CLI cache clearing
- Proxy Cache – Varnish Cache Integration to clear proxy cached content automatically when the cache created by WP Fastest Cache is cleared
Optimalizace výkonu
WP Fastest Cache is not only a wp cache plugin but also a speed optimization wordpress cache plugin. There are many features such as Minify Html, Minify Css, Enable Gzip Compression, Leverage Browser Caching, Add Expires Headers, Combine CSS, Combine JS, Disable Emoji.
- Page Caching – Page caching feature generates and store static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress blog to reduce initial server response time, and improving page load times
- Minify Html – Minify HTML is the process of reducing the size of page by removing unnecessary characters, spaces, and line breaks, optimizing it for faster webpage loading
- Minify Css – Minify CSS is the process of reducing the size of CSS files by removing unnecessary characters, spaces, and comments to improve website loading performance
- Povolit Gzip kompresi – Zmenšete velikost souborů odeslaných ze serveru a zvyšte rychlost jejich přenosu do prohlížeče.
- Leverage browser caching – Browser caching can help to reduce page load times by reducing the number of requests per page for repeat visitors
- Combine CSS – Reduce number of HTTP round-trips by combining multiple CSS resources into one
- Kombinovat JS
- Zakázat emodži – Můžete odstranit inline CSS pro emodži a wp-emoji-release.min.js
Prémiová optimalizace výkonu
The free version is enough to speed up your site but in the premium version there are extra features such as Mobile Cache, Widget Cache, Minify HTML Plus, Minify CSS Plus, Minify JS, Combine JS Plus, Defer Javascript, Optimize Images, Convert WebP, Database Cleanup, Google Fonts Async, Lazy Load for super fast load times.
- Mobile Cache
- Cache paměť widgetu
- Minifikace HTML Plus
- Minifikace CSS Plus
- Minify Javascript – Minifying JavaScript files can reduce payload sizes and script parse time
- Kombinovat JS Plus
- Defer Javascript – Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript resources. Consider delivering critical JS inline and deferring all non-critical JS
- Optimalizace obrázků – Optimalizované obrázky se načítají rychleji a spotřebovávají méně celulárních dat
- Konverze WebP – slouží k zobrazování obrázků ve formátech příští generace. Obrazové formáty jako JPEG 2000, JPEG XR a WebP často poskytují lepší kompresi než PNG nebo JPEG, což znamená rychlejší stahování a menší spotřebu dat
- Database Cleanup – The Database Cleanup feature clears out all of the garbage datas such as post revisions, trashed posts & pages, comments from trash & spam, trackbacks and pingbacks, transient options etc.
- Google Fonty Async
- Lazy Load – Defer offscreen images. Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower time to interactive
It is very inconvenient to use multiple caching plugins at the same time. That’s why you need to disable plugins such as LiteSpeed Cache, WP-Optimize, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, SiteGround Optimizer, Breeze while using WP Fastest Cache.
WP Fastest Cache is compatible with most popular plugins such as Contact Form 7, Yoast SEO, Elementor Website Builder, Classic Editor, Akismet Spam Protection, WooCommerce, Contact Form by WPForms, Really Simple SSL, All-in-One WP Migration, Yoast Duplicate Post, Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan, WordPress Importer, UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin, MonsterInsights, All in One SEO, WP Mail SMTP by WPForms.
Podporované jazyky
Although there are over 7000 languages spoken in the world today, we feel very lucky to support 28 languages for now.
However, localizing or adapting a plugin to another language or culture is time consuming and a demanding task. That’s where the amazing Translation Contributors team of WordPress comes into play. These selfless people spent their precious time without expecting anything in return so that other people can use the add-ons more easily. We sincerely thank all of them.
Chinese Simplified (China), Chinese Traditional (Taiwan), Czech, Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), English (South Africa), English (UK), Finnish, French (France), Galician, German (Germany), Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean (Korea), Persian, Russian, Slovak (Slovakia), Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Venezuela), Swedish, Turkish
Snímky obrazovky
Porovnání výkonu Další srovnání výkonu Bez Cache paměti S Cache pamětí Stránka hlavního nastavení Předběžně načíst Nový příspěvek Aktualizovat Cache paměť Vymazat Cache paměť Všechny soubory v cache paměti jsou odstraněny v určený čas Blokování cache paměti pro příspěvek a stránky (TinyMCE) Snadné mazání souborů uložených v cache paměti prostřednictvím administračního panelu nástrojů Vyloučit stránky CDN Zadejte informace o CDN Typ souboru Určete zdroje Vyčištění databáze
- Nahrajte
do adresáře/wp-content/plugins/
- Aktivujte plugin v menu Pluginy ve WordPressu.
- Permission of .htacces must 644
- Povolte tento plugin na stránce možnosti
Nejčastější dotazy
Jak zjistím, že je můj blog ukládán do cache paměti?
Musíte stránku obnovit dvakrát. Pokud je stránka uložena do mezipaměti, ve spodní části stránky je text jako „<!– Soubor WP Fastest Cache byl vytvořen za 0.330816984177 sekund, v 08-01-14 9:01:35 –>“.
Funguje to s Nginx?
Yes, it works with Nginx properly. Since Nginx doesn’t use an .htaccess file, you need to enable the Gzip compression and Browser Caching features manually. You can follow these tutorials: How to Enable Leverage Browser Caching on Nginx and How to Enable Gzip on Nginx
Funguje to s IIS (Windows Server) ?
Ano, funguje správně s IIS.
Je plugin kompatibilní s Multisite?
Ano, je kompatibilní s Multisite.
Je plugin kompatibilní s instalacemi v podadresářích?
Ano, je kompatibilní se Subdirectory Installation.
Je plugin kompatibilní s Http Secure (https)?
Ano, je kompatibilní s Http Secure (https).
Je plugin kompatibilní s Adsense?
Ano, je 100% kompatibilní s Adsense.
Je plugin kompatibilní s CloudFlare?
Ano, je to ale musíte si přečíst podrobnosti
Je plugin kompatibilní s qTranslate?
Ano, je 100% kompatibilní s qTranslate.
Je plugin kompatibilní s WP Hide & Security Enhancer?
Ano, je kompatibilní s WP Hide & Security Enhancer.
Je plugin kompatibilní s WP-PostViews?
Ano, je kompatibilní s WP-PostViews. Aktuální zobrazení příspěvků se zobrazí na panelu správce. Návštěvníci nevidí aktuální zobrazení příspěvků. Tento problém musí vyřešit vývojář WP-PostViews.
Je plugin kompatibilní s WooCommerce šablonami?
Ano, je 100% kompatibilní se WooCommerce šablonami.
WP Fastest Cache je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „WP Fastest Cache“ byl přeložen do 38 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “WP Fastest Cache” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- to fix PHP Fatal error: Class „VarnishWPFC“ not found in preload.php
- to fix Undefined property: stdClass::$total in preload.php on line 753
- [Improvement] Toolbar style adjusted to align with WordPress standard for better consistency and user experience
- to change the cache path for the Polylang-Pro plugin
- [Improvement] Modified the toolbar menu of WP Fastest Cache plugin to improve usability and navigation
- [FEATURE] Added a filter that allows users to easily remove the WP Fastest Cache menu from the admin toolbar [Details]
- [Improvement] Added a new action to handle the addition of keyword items in the Preload Wizard
- Corrected typos in the Cloudflare CDN integration wizard and in the DB tab
- [FEATURE] Added a filter to define the token for preload functionality [Details]
- [FEATURE] Added a filter that allows users to easily remove the cache creation comment from the footer [Details]
- [Improvement] Added a warning notification to alert users if the „Element Caching“ option in the Elementor plugin is not inactive [Details]
- Refactored
for improved efficiency - Fix issue: Logic to determine the $number variable based on the WPFC_PRELOAD_NUMBER constant for preload when a sitemap is used
- Prevent caching of 403 Forbidden error pages
- Fix issue: Exclude JS files with the „data-no-minify“ attribute from the combining process
- Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in wpFastestCache.php on line 489
- Refactored ‚Clear Cache via URL‘ feature
- Added feature to clear post cache triggered via URL [Details]
- refactoring for CSS minification feature
- refactoring for Cloudflare Integration
- to update translation files
- to fix the issue of backslashes being removed in the <pre> tag after minifying HTML
- refactoring for getABSPATH()
- to prevent clearing cache after deleting coupon which was created by YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System Premium
- to check the REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING for the gtranslate plugin
- to fix the creation of cache for URLs that end with .xml
- to use the native WordPress function current_time() instead of the date() function
- refactoring the purge_cache() function of Varnish Cache
- refactoring for getABSPATH()
- to fix PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CssUtilities::$url is deprecated in css-utilities.php on line 348
- to fix PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CssUtilities::$url_for_fix is deprecated in css-utilities.php on line 412
- to remove duplicate extensions in the directive for the browser caching feature
- Farewell, StackPath, and a warm welcome to BunnyCDN
- to update translation files
- to exclude script element from minification when data-no-minify attribute is set
- [FUNKCE] přidán slovinský jazyk
- refactroning of specificDeleteCache()
- Security Enhancements
- to update translation files
- refactroning of the condition that was added for Divi theme
- [FEATURE] Add a hook system for creating a post cache by id [Details]
- to fix the issue of obtaining the latest version of the sitemap after a restart
- to check if the intl extension is available for Cloudflare integration
- to fix Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$zone_id in cdn.php on line 227
- to make the Preload feature to be compatible with Sitemap Index
- to hide the premium tab for the premium users
- to show warning if the Static CSS File Generation option of Divi theme is enabled
- to update translation files
- to fix PHP Warning: Undefined array key „sitemaps“ in preload.php on line 62
- to change the cache path for the Polylang-Pro plugin
- to check if the buffer has only one line (no line breaks)
- refactoring of checkHtml()
- to check that Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA is active or not
- to add gear button for the preload feature
- to remove image urls for sitemap preload
- to fix PHP Deprecated: Required parameter in preload.php on line 576
- [FEATURE] Moving the menu item under the settings menu [Details]
- to fix Warning: Undefined array key „action“ in wpFastestCache.php on line 378 and 395
- [FEATURE] to add Sitemap option for the preload feature [Details]
- to update translation files
- to fix PHP Warning: Attempt to read property „term_taxonomy_id“ on bool in wpFastestCache.php on line 1638
- to change the cache path for the Polylang plugin
- [FEATURE] to add Korean (Korea) language
- to update translation files
- refactoring of is_amp()
- to replace empty char which exist in the admin cookie with %20 for RewriteCond
- to update translation files
- to fix problem that the first js source is not able to be excluded
- refactoring of set_cache_file_path()
- refactoring of Buffer Callback Filter [Details]
- to replace wp_remote_get() with wp_safe_remote_get() in the check_url() function
- to update translation files
- to fix PHP Warning: Undefined array key „roles“ in wpFastestCache.php on line 962
- to remove multiple slashes from url
- to fix PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “wpFastestCacheLanguage” on array in admin.php on line 23
- to check trailing slash for query string cache
- refactoring process of clearing homepage cache by cache timeout
- to change translation system [Details]
- refactoring of delete_author_page_cache()
- to add Czech, Dutch (Belgium), Galician, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Persian, Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Venezuela), Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Mexico) translations
- to enable the toolbar settings wizard for the Multisite installation [Details]
- to fix low level vulnerability
- to clear cache of next/prev posts after updating or publishing a post
- to fix E_WARNING: file_get_contents(): No such file or directory in admin.php on line 377
- [FEATURE] Added ability to disable hook system [Details]
- to fix PHP Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in preload.php on line 546
- to fix Notice: Constant WPFC_CACHE_QUERYSTRING already defined
- [FEATURE] Varnish Cache Integration [Details]
- to fix E_WARNING: unlink(): No such file or directory in wpFastestCache.php on line 1530
- to show cache if the url contains a parameter of Yandex Click Identifier
- [FEATURE] Excluding Yandex Click Identifier [Details]
- [FEATURE] Adding „Regular Expression“ option for the Exclude Pages feature [Details]
- to improve the style of exclude feature wizard
- to fix hiding the toolbar when logged in
- to fix PHP Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in js-utilities.php on line 67
- to fix PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method cannot be called statically in clearing-specific-pages.php on line 58
- to stop showing the „DONOTCACHEPAGE is defined as TRUE“ comment in the footer for the ajax requests
- [FEATURE] Clearing Specific Pages [Details]
- to fix the site url on the exclude page
- to fix PHP Notice: Function WP_User_Query::query was called incorrectly. User queries should not be run before the plugins_loaded hook
- [FEATURE] Clearing Specific Pages (BETA) [Details]
- to add last-modified header when cache is served via php
- to serve sources via cdn for excluded pages if cdn is enabled
- to fix PHP Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in js-utilities.php on line 48
- to fix E_NOTICE: Undefined variable: path in wpFastestCache.php on line 2142
- to add excluding feature for Buffer Callback Filter [Details]
- to add avif extensions for cdn
- to add WPFC_SERVE_ONLY_VIA_CACHE [Details]
- Photon will no longer be supported [Details]
- to exclude category url for preload if any error occurs
- to add WP-CLI command for clearing cache of a post [Details]
- to fix Warning scandir() at wpFastestCache.php:302
- to fix Warning file_put_contents(/cache/wpfc-minified/index.html) at cache.php:1090
- to fix Warning unlink(wp-cache-config.php) admin.php:885
- to clear only cache of post/page even if the „update post“ option is disabled
- to define the save_settings() function of single preload feature as static function
Seznam změn starších verzí naleznete na [wpfastestcache.com]