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This plugin adds a searchbox for store hours. By filling out the „what?“ and „where?“
the user will get all the hours, contact details and more.

Millions of Store Hours

This plugin hosts one of the nations largest directories for store hours in the United States.
Applying a user-generated concept, all information is accurately submitted by storehours24 scouts
who care about helping you find store hours fast! Search for the opening times of your favorite
or nearby stores, including big box retailers and local boutiques. With storehours24,
we hope you ll never face closed doors again!


  1. Install & activate the plugin
  2. Go to the dynamic sidebar option (Design -> Sidebar)
  3. Drag and drop the Widget „Storehours“ to your sidebar.

That`s it.

Nejčastější dotazy

For any questions pleas just ask at


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


Storehours je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


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