SQLite Database Integration


The SQLite plugin is a community, feature plugin. The intent is to allow testing an SQLite integration with WordPress and gather feedback, with the goal of eventually landing it in WordPress core.

This feature plugin includes code from the PHPMyAdmin project (specifically parts of the PHPMyAdmin/sql-parser library), licensed under the GPL v2 or later. More info on the PHPMyAdmin/sql-parser library can be found on GitHub.

Nejčastější dotazy

What is the purpose of this plugin?

The primary purpose of the SQLite plugin is to allow testing the use of an SQLite database, with the goal to eventually land in WordPress core.

You can read the original proposal on the Make blog, as well as the call for testing for more context and useful information.

Can I use this plugin on my production site?

Per the primary purpose of the plugin (see above), it can mostly be considered a beta testing plugin. To a degree, it should be okay to use it in production. However, as with every plugin, you are doing so at your own risk.

Where can I submit my plugin feedback?

Feedback is encouraged and much appreciated, especially since this plugin is a future WordPress core feature. If you need help with troubleshooting or have a question, suggestions, or requests, you can submit them as an issue in the SQLite GitHub repository.

How can I contribute to the plugin?

Contributions are always welcome! Learn more about how to get involved in the Core Performance Team Handbook.


3. 12. 2024
Ok, so in terms of doing what it says in the tin, for me it looks great. I’ve set up 20 – 30 instances, it runs my core plugins and has a footprint of ~ 105M when running with a default setup. Seems to be at least as fast as the MySQL instances sat next to them. Here’s the problem tho‘. It would seem I can’t actually convert any existing sites over to run on these instances without a lot of manual work. (I say this after reading the experiences of some others who claim to have tried). Are there any relatively automatic tools and/or documentation that I might have missed when it comes to migrating a MySQL instance over to SqLite (and back, in the event of a problem), or at least a Roadmap of if / when such tools or plugins might become available? A roadmap or estimation might at least (if it’s a long way away) prompt someone to get on and do it?
26. 11. 2024 6 odpovědí
I added this plugin. Wordpress warned me that it would be reinstalled. But now everything is gone.) Will it come back, hopefully?
26. 8. 2024 1 odpověď
I used it to spin up a test site in CI, it’s just elegant and brings WP closer to Static when we need it. There’s a place for SQLite simplicity in some WP workflows. Loved it!
23. 7. 2024 1 odpověď
Great start to a well needed SQLite option. Installation was smooth for a fresh installation with no content. Using PHP 8.2 and WordPress 6.6. Thank you, team for sharing and getting this into production.
27. 11. 2023
با این افزونه در واقع سایت شما قلمبه کپی میشه و همه جا منتقل میشه و کار می کنه بدون اینکه نیازی به ساخت و تنظیم دیتابیس باشه. همه چیز در یک فایل کنار فایل های ‌وردپرس ذخیره میشه
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