Remove or replace footer credits (or any text or HTML in page) before page is rendered. With this plugin there is no need to modify code such as footer.php which if done incorrectly can cause your site to break or new theme updates will stomp over your changes requiring you to remove footer credits on each update.
This plugin has very minimal options to keep things simple and easier to use. You enter the text or HTML that you would like to find in one text box and the text or HTML that you would like to replace in another text box (or nothing to remove). Go here to view my step by step tutorial with screenshots and video.
- From WordPress Admin, go to Plugins -> Add New
- Search for plugin „Remove Footer Credit“
- Install and Activate
- Go to Tools -> Remove Footer Credit
- Enter text you would like to change in first text box
- Enter text you would like to replace in second text box
- Click Save
Remove Footer Credit je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Remove Footer Credit“ byl přeložen do 13 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “Remove Footer Credit” do svého jazyka.
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Přehled změn
1.0.14 – 21.03.2024
Fixed: Security issue
1.0.13 – 24.02.2022
Fixed: Replaceable text new line bug
1.0.12 – 25.01.2022
Fixed: Sanitization for replaceable and replacement text
1.0.11 – 11.01.2022
Added: Sanitization and escapes
1.0.10 – 20.07.2021
Fixes: PHP error
Fixes: replace string with html entities and without
1.0.9 – 16.07.2021
Fixes: Adding replace string at bottom of the site.
1.0.8 – 13.07.2021
Fixed: Plugin not replacing credits.
1.0.7 – 05.07.2021
Changed: Updated security fixes for XSS
1.0.6 – 24.06.2021
Fixed: Security issue regarding XSS
- update translation file
- minor textdomain update
- version bump
- translation ready
- minor tweak & version bump
- Initial release.