- Keep updated! http://nexus.zteo.com/
- This plugin can be used to display a different theme for each page of your blog.
- This plugin can be used to display a different theme for each one of your blog posts.
- The interface used to configure this is very user-friendly. Even friendlier since v1.3.
- Many thanks to Stephen Carroll whose domain page’s script motivated me to write this plugin.
- Thanks also go to emposha.com for their image selection script, which I shamelessly hacked and surely made worse.
- Due to WordPress selecting themes and stylesheets very early on when building a page, I cannot use WordPress‘ „official“ way to detect the current page/post. Therefore, you may find that this plugin does not work correcly if your setup is extremely exotic. Contact me if this happens.
- Expand this plugin’s archive content to wp-content/plugins/
- Go to Administration > Plugins and activate this plugin.
- Activate page or posts integration, or both, at ACP > Appearance > Page Theme
4a. You can now configure your pages themes at ACP > Pages > Pages
4b. You can now configure your posts themes at ACP > Posts > Posts
Page Theme je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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