Display your latest posts in a beautiful slider with different options.
This plugin requires the OceanWP theme to be installed.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Done!
Nejčastější dotazy
I installed the plugin but it does not work
This plugin will only work with the OceanWP theme.
17. 3. 2018
1 odpověď
Cette extension vous permettra d’afficher un diaporama d’articles là où vous le souhaitez sur les sites équipés du thème OceanWP avec une facilité déconcertante !
Merci Nicolas 😉
18. 8. 2017
1 odpověď
An easy-to-edit and customize post slider, a good addition to the OceanWP theme.
22. 4. 2017
1 odpověď
Before using the OceanWP Theme, I always used several other (some premium) plugins to create this effect. No longer, now that I have one specially made for my theme. Awesome!
Thank you for putting this out there, for free even!
29. 3. 2017
1 odpověď
This plugin is simply brilliant and creates a really beautiful post slider.
29. 3. 2017
1 odpověď
Great, thanks.
29. 3. 2017
1 odpověď
Used this on one of my projects. Very good post slider with hover effects.
Ocean Posts Slider je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Ocean Posts Slider“ byl přeložen do 4 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “Ocean Posts Slider” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
2.0.8 – NOV 13 2024
- Fixed: Compatibility: Elementor: Swiper Library influencing the functionality of the slider by displaying one and the same posts.
2.0.7 – MAY 20 2024
- Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.
2.0.6 – SEP 6 2023
- Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.
2.0.5 – MAY 23 2023
- Added: Compatibility: SiteOrigin: Custom templates support.
- Added: Compatibility: PHP 8.2.6: Creation of dynamic property Ocean_Posts_Slider::$plugin_path and Ocean_Posts_Slider::$plugin_url is deprecated.
2.0.4 – FEB 28 2023
- Added: Prevent Elementor swiper scripts (3.11+ version) impacting the slider script.
- Updated: WordPress version number for compatibility.
- Fixed: Navigation: arrows.
- Fixed: Compatibility: Elementor Swiper JS causing duplicate navigation arrows.
- Fixed: Compatibility: JetPack causing duplicate navigation arrows.
- Fixed: Conflict swiper js plugin with elementor swiper.
- Added: Vanilla JS.
- Added: Version updated for WordPress 5.7.
- Added: Version updated for WordPress 5.4.
- Added: Codes for the Freemius switch.
- Added: Filter for the post heading tags.
- Added: Polish translation, thanks to Fin Fafarafiel.
- Tweak: e.preventDefault(); used instead of return false; for the modal script so you can add additional events.
- Tweak: Better approch for calling the metabox scripts.
- Added: New setting to only display the first post of each categories, thank you to Stéphane Legrand.
- Added: Spanish language, thank you to Angel Julian Mena.
- Deleted: Admin notice if OceanWP is not the theme used.
- Fixed: Capabilities issue in the metabox.
- Tweak: Changed the select2 script to avoid plugins conflicts.
- Tweak: Some code improvements for the metabox.
- Added: New select field to choose your post type to display in the slider, default is post.
- Tweak: JS script, if the carousel script is disabled, there will be no error in the console.
- Fixed: Issue with the primary color arrays.
- Deleted: Image resizer, directly incorporated into Ocean Extra.
- Fixed: Issue with style.
- Fixed: Issue with the slide transition on mobile.
- Added: New field „Include Cat“ to only show some categories on the slider.
- Tweak: Admin script loaded only when necessary.
- Added: New option „Number Per Slide“ to add your custom number of posts per slide.
- Added: New options „Image Width“ and „Image Height“ to add your own images sizes.
- Fixed: Small issue with variables.
- Fixed: Conflict with Ocean Product Sharing.
- Initial release.