Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Link Manager


In WordPress 3.5, the Link Manager (which some use to build blogrolls) will
be disabled by default. If you have links when you update, it’ll still be there.
But you can use this plugin to ensure it will always be there, even if you
update to a later version of WordPress or remove all of your current links.


21. 8. 2022
Does what it says on the tin, and lets you categorise and organise links. If it was not for this nonsensical ‚rating‘, and especially the output (a number value), which cannot be turned off, this would be 100% the plugin I require. Can this be fixed?
22. 7. 2022
Demeure dans ma boite à outils car le gestionnaire de liens natif de WP est simple à utiliser
27. 1. 2019
Still works on the latest versions of WordPress and does what it says on the tin! Thanks for this 🙂
9. 5. 2018
This plugin needs an uninstall option. It’s out of date and not working/needed.
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