ICS Calendar


Pomocí jednoduchého shortcode můžete proměnit jakýkoli zdroj předplatného iCalendar (ICS) (Kalendář Google, Microsoft Office 365, Apple iCloud, Airbnb, Vrbo a mnoho dalších) na bezproblémově integrovaný kalendář WordPress s automatickou aktualizací, který nevyžaduje údržbu.

Pokračujte ve správě událostí v kalendářové aplikaci, kterou již používáte! Na svém webu WordPress budete mít automaticky aktuální kalendář bez práce navíc.

Kalendář lze zobrazit v měsíčním nebo týdenním pohledu, případně jako seznam. K dispozici je mnoho různých možností nastavení a přizpůsobení. Prohlédněte si Uživatelskou přírůčku, ve které získáte další informace a podrobnosti.

Není potřeba používat API!

Funguje s KAŽDÝM softwarovým kalendářem, který generuje dostupný soubor typu iCalendar.

Živá ukázka

Můžete si zkusit zobrazit svůj kalendář na naší stránce: icscalendar.com/preview

Nástroj pro vytváření krátkých kódů

Začít používat kalendář ICS je díky našemu novému online nástroji pro tvorbu zkrácených kódů snazší než kdy dříve: icscalendar.com/shortcode-builder

Podpora jazyků

Všechny datové řetězce (dny v týdnu, měsíce atd.) jsou automaticky přeloženy do nastaveného jazyka webu (viz Nastavení > Obecné > Jazyk) včetně formátů data a času pomocí základní funkce WordPressu. Veškerý textový obsah samotného kalendáře se zobrazuje tak, jak je převzat ze souboru kalendáře.

Malé množství dodatečného textu zobrazeného na front-endu generovaného pluginem je ve výchozím nastavení na americkou angličtinu, ale podporuje také následující překlady: čínština, dánština, holandština, estonština, finština, francouzština, němčina, řečtina, maďarština, italština, japonština, korejština, lotyšština, litevština, norština, polština, portugalština, ruština, španělština a švédština.

Pokud chcete, abychom přidali podporu pro váš jazyk, kontaktujte nás prosím.

Tento plugin obsahuje knihovnu PHP ICS Parser. Knihovnu napsali Jonathan Goode, John Grogg and Martin Thoma (licence MIT).


Až bude plugin nainstalován a aktivován, použijte níže uvedený zkrácený kód (přidáním vlastní adresy URL ICS feedu mezi uvozovky) a vložte kalendář do svých stránek. Použijte náš online nástroj pro snadné vytvoření vlastního zkráceného kódu nebo se podívejte do uživatelské příručky na další informace.

[ics_calendar url=""]

Ujistěte se, že vkládáte URL kanálu iCalendar (ICS) (tj. pro import do programu kalendáře), nikoli URL pro zobrazení kalendáře ve webovém prohlížeči. Chcete-li vyzkoušet, zda máte správnou adresu URL, vložte ji přímo do adresního řádku prohlížeče. Mělo by dojít ke stažení souboru .ics, nikoli k zobrazení kalendáře v prohlížeči.

Nejčastější dotazy

Jak najdu URL adresu zdroje ICS mého kalendáře?

Různé kalendářní systémy mají různé způsoby, jak získat URL kanálu. Níže naleznete pokyny pro běžně používané kalendáře. Užitečné informace poskytne i dokumentace vámi použitého kalendářního systému.

Ujistěte se, že je váš kalendář veřejný. K soukromým kalendářům nemá plugin přístup.

Odkazy na dokumentaci:

Jak vložím kalendář na svou stránku?

Použijte tento zkrácený kód a mezi uvozovky vložte adresu URL kanálu ICS:

[ics_calendar url=""]

Ujistěte se, že vkládáte URL kanálu iCalendar (ICS) (tj. pro import do programu kalendáře), nikoli URL pro zobrazení kalendáře ve webovém prohlížeči. Chcete-li vyzkoušet, zda máte správnou adresu URL, vložte ji přímo do adresního řádku prohlížeče. Mělo by dojít ke stažení souboru .ics, nikoli k zobrazení kalendáře v prohlížeči.

Můžu kombinovat více kalendářů?

Ano! Můžete kombinovat více kalendářů tak, že do parametru url uvedete více než jednu adresu kanálu. Oddělte adresy URL kalendářů jednou mezerou nebo znakem |. Nepoužívejte žádné jiné oddělovací znaky, budou interpretovány jako součást adresy URL.

Proč se můj kalendář nenačítá?

Může to být způsobeno konfigurací vašeho serveru. Tento plugin vyžaduje buď rozšíření PHP cURL, nebo nastavení PHP allow_url_fopen. Pokud si myslíte, že toto způsobuje problém, zkontrolujte konfiguraci PHP nebo správce serveru. Můžete také přidat debug="true" do svého krátkého kódu a zobrazit svou stránku, abyste viděli výstup ladění, který může poskytnout další podrobnosti o případných problémech s připojením.

Proč se můj kalendář neaktualizuje?

Z důvodu výkonu používá tento plugin WordPress transients k ukládání načtených dat kalendáře po dobu jedné hodiny mezi požadavky na zdrojový server kalendáře. Pokud jste aktualizovali události, které se na vaší stránce nezobrazují, přejděte na stránku Kalendář ICS ve správci webu a klikněte na tlačítko Vymazat data kalendáře v mezipaměti.

Third-party caching plugins may interfere with ICS Calendar’s feed syncing. If you are using a caching plugin and your calendar is not updating, try using the AJAX option in your shortcode.

Proč jsou časy událostí po začátku letního času o hodinu posunuty?

PHP má dva různé způsoby definování časových pásem: jako počet hodin s odchylkou od GMT/UTC (např. „UTC-5“) nebo jako kombinaci kontinent/město (např. „Amerika/Chicago“). Časová pásma používající offsety UTC nezpracovávají letní čas správně (jak je uvedeno v dokumentaci PHP). Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení svého časového pásma WordPress (Nastavení > Obecné > Časové pásmo). Pokud je nastaven na posun UTC, změňte jej na město nejblíže vaší poloze ve stejném časovém pásmu. Od verze 6.0 můžete také nastavit časové pásmo v rámci krátkého kódu pomocí parametru tz. (Opět se ujistěte, že používáte pojmenované časové pásmo regionu/města, nikoli posun UTC.)

Další dokumentace a podpora

Naše Uživatelská příručka obsahuje rozsáhlou dokumentaci všech funkcí pluginu, je často aktualizována a je přeložena do všech jazyků podporovaných pluginem.

Požadavky na funkce

Placená verze ICS Kalendáře Pro má více možností zobrazení, nástroje nastavení kalendáře bez nutnosti přímé editace CSS souborů, vylepšený nástroj pro vkládání a mnoho dalšího. Plugin se stále vyvýjí a tak stále přidáváme do obou verzí další možnosti a vylepšení. Pokud máte návrhy na funkce, které byste rádi viděli, nebo jakékoliv další podněty, dejte nám prosím vědět na stránce podpory, kam se dostanete z administrace, nebo ve Fóru podpory WordPressu. Základní plugin bude vždy k dispozici zdarma.


11. 11. 2024
I have been using the ICS Calendar plugin for about two years now, and it has been an invaluable asset to my membership site. Since implementing the plugin, member retention and engagement have significantly increased, as I can display all upcoming events in one place, keeping members connected and engaged. The plugin is incredibly powerful, flexible, and well-maintained with regular updates. I can’t say enough good things about the developer. As others have mentioned, his support is outstanding, he goes above and beyond to troubleshoot and resolve issues, even when it’s clear the problem is caused by conflicts from other plugins. Highly, highly recommended
5. 8. 2024
I use this plugin on three separate websites that have three distinct needs. The flexibility in the setup allows me to accomplish what I need on each site. On the couple of occasions I’ve needed support, it has been extremely prompt and accurate. Highly recommended if you have Google calendars you need to display on your sites.
20. 5. 2024
What a great and useful plugin, the free version is great but the ability to customize is wild with the paid version. I wish I knew sooner how easy it would be to use the paid version. Scott helped me so much with tech support. Really loving this plugin.
6. 5. 2024
Fantastic plugin with numerous customization options! I was able to fully integrate it into my site, and it blends seamlessly with all other pages. I particularly appreciate the instant update feature with no caching—though it slightly slows down loading, it ensures the display of the latest information, which is exactly what I need. If you’re considering this plugin, I recommend investing in the Pro version. It’s well worth the money and supports a great development team.
Přečtěte si všech 65 recenzí


ICS Calendar je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „ICS Calendar“ byl přeložen do 6 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

Přeložte “ICS Calendar” do svého jazyka.

Zajímá vás vývoj?

Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.

Přehled změn – 2025.01.22

  • Modified logic for maskinfo that would remove the info hover box on multi-day events with specified start and end times. – 2025.01.20

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added r34ics_ajax_bypass_nonce status to System Report. – 2025.01.08

  • Bug fixes:
    • Added logic to trim extraneous spaces from the beginning and end of all attribute values when parsing the shortcode, and in sanitization logic in r34ics-ajax.php.
    • Added r34ics_color_key_allowed() function and updated r34ics_select_allowed() to merge custom allowed fields with wp_kses_allowed_html('post'). This resolves issues with the color key (legend) that were introduced with changes in v. 11.5.0 and 11.5.1.
    • Changed r34ics_minify_css() handling of whitespace to resolve issues when output is fed through wp_kses_post().
    • Fixed duplicate description output that may result with ALTREP handling introduced in 11.5.1.
    • Fixed handling of feed parsing failures that would cause a fatal error unless the debug parameter is set in the shortcode.

11.5.1 – 2025.01.07

  • Functional enhancements:
    • Added protected R34ICS::_event_field_handling() method to facilitate complex logic (i.e. too much to fit in one line of code) when assigning values in the $event_item array in R34ICS::display_calendar() and related functions. This includes the new r34ics_event_field_handling filter for additional external processing of event data. (If working with the filter, be aware that it is currently only applied to the eventdesc value.) This functionality was specifically added to accommodate changes needed for the ALTREP property described below, but it is open-ended to support additional future enhancements.
  • iCalendar spec support:
    • Added limited support for Thunderbird’s use of the ALTREP parameter in event descriptions. Thunderbird does not appear to conform to the spec — the ALTREP value is not wrapped in quotation marks. However, since this is our first observation of ALTREP in use, our solution is tailored to the Thunderbird output we have observed. Additional feedback on this feature is welcomed.
  • PHP deprecation notices:
    • Modified the event_description_html(), event_label_html() and event_sublabel_html() methods of R34ICS to return empty strings rather than null or false values when empty.
    • Added ?: '' empty string fallback value to all instances of wp_kses_post() added in version 11.5.0, to work around „Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated“ warnings. This should technically be addressed within the WordPress core wp_kses_no_null() function. We have opened a Trac ticket. If the core function is modified to handle null values, the then-superfluous ?: '' will be removed from these function calls in a future update.

11.5.0 – 2025.01.03

  • i18n:
    • Added translators: comments for each translation string containing placeholders.
    • Changed text domain from r34ics to ics-calendar to conform with WordPress Plugin Directory requirements. Translation files included within the plugin have been correspondingly updated, but if you are using third-party translations or a plugin such as Say What, you may need to update them with the new text domain.
    • Replaced %s translation string placeholders with %1$s.
    • Replaced uses of unescaped _e() and __() functions with the corresponding escaped functions esc_html_e(), esc_html__(), esc_attr_e() and esc_attr__(), as appropriate.
    • Updated all translation files to reflect the above changes.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added extra sanitization functionality to handling of form inputs on Settings page and r34ics-ajax.php.
    • Added text escaping functions to dynamic plugin output in templates.
    • Added r34ics_select_allowed() function.
    • Fixed CSS padding issue with week numbers in month and week views.
    • Replaced uses of certain standard PHP functions such as json_encode(), mt_rand(), parse_url() and strip_tags() with their WordPress-specific equivalents (e.g. wp_json_encode(), wp_rand(), wp_parse_url() and wp_strip_tags()).
    • Updated handling of server variables in System Report.
  • Vendors:
    • Updated embedded ics-parser library to version 3.4.1 (with namespace change to prevent plugin conflicts, and removal of variables from error messages due to Plugin Check reporting them as coding errors).

11.4.2 – 2024.12.16

  • Added IP address resolution to ICS Feed URL Tester, to help troubleshoot network-related issues.
  • Added box around ICS Feed URL Tester Results area. – 2024.12.14

  • Fixed fatal error introduced in when the calendar is not empty. – 2024.12.14

  • Added empty string error handling in r34ics_uniqid_url() and r34ics_url_uniqid() functions.
  • Fixed bug in r34ics_is_empty_array(). (Removed is_scalar() check in conditional.) Resolves issue of blank output on empty calendars, rather than the proper „No events found“ message displaying.

11.4.1 – 2024.12.06

  • Bug fix: Reverted change from 11.4.0 that made month the default fallback value for $view if it is not passed into R34ICS::shortcode_defaults_merge() method because this caused incorrect default values to override custom values in some cases.
  • CSS: Modified multi-day event date boxes in Basic view to have a stacked layout to preserve list alignment.

11.4.0 – 2024.12.03

  • AJAX:
    • Added Bypass nonce on AJAX requests setting. See note below.
    • Refactored r34ics-ajax.php to remove redundant code and add validation of allowed shortcode attributes.
    • Added r34ics_shortcode_defaults_merge filter, to allow R34ICS::shortcode_defaults_merge() to be used as a general method for retrieving the full list of valid shortcode attributes and their default values.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added sanitize_url() to r34ics_uniqid_url() and r34ics_url_uniqid() functions.
    • Added new plugin settings to debugger output.
    • Additional minor code refactoring.
  • i18n:
    • Updated translation strings.

Note on AJAX nonce: ICS Calendar AJAX loading uses a nonce, per WordPress best practices for optimal database security. (The nonce is not strictly necessary in this case, as the plugin’s AJAX calls have only limited ability to interact with the database, and all AJAX POST data is validated and sanitized.) In general we recommend leaving the nonce validation in place. However, we have found that some caching plugins — particularly LiteSpeed Cache — may cache the nonce code with your page content, causing calendars to fail to load after the nonce expires. Turn on this setting to bypass ICS Calendar’s AJAX nonce validation.

11.3.7 – 2024.11.18

  • Added class_exists() check to R34ICS class.
  • Added ua shortcode attribute, to allow for a custom user agent string on requests. May be useful if your source server is rejecting ICS Calendar’s requests. Set to true to use a preselected real user agent string, or enter a custom string of your choosing. (Custom strings must be at least 6 characters.) If omitted or set to false, ICS Calendar’s default user agent string will be used for the request. Note: This parameter has no effect if the Use legacy feed request method setting is turned on.
  • Standardized handling of all admin notices using r34ics_deferred_admin_notices() function, and modified some notices to be dismissible.
  • Drobné změny v kódu.
  • Vendors: Restored persist-admin-notices-dismissal, previously removed in version 9.8.0 because it wasn’t being used.
  • i18n: Aktualizace jazykových proměnných. – 2024.11.11

  • Admin: Fixed HTML formatting issue in admin page sidebar.
  • i18n: Added Czech translations. – 2024.11.06

  • Added r34ics_admin_utilities_more action.

11.3.5 – 2024.11.05

  • Basic and List views: Added data-dow and data-wknum attributes to each event in the list, allowing developers to customize the appearance of events based on the day of the week (data-dow) or week number (data-wknum).
  • Updated support text and links.
  • i18n: Aktualizace jazykových proměnných. – 2024.10.15

  • Restored load_plugin_textdomain() call, as it does appear to be necessary in some situations. The call is now being made on the init action, which should prevent any WP 6.7 error messages. If you are receiving error messages or if some translations appear to have gone missing, please let us know in the support forums.
  • Minor refactoring of ics-calendar.php file. – 2024.10.09

  • Removed unnecessary load_plugin_textdomain() call, and set $translate input parameter to false on get_plugin_data() call, as these may cause PHP notices as of WordPress 6.7. See the WordPress Trac for more details. – 2024.10.01

  • System Report:
    • Added new ICS Calendar settings.
    • Added relevant WordPress core settings.
    • Alphabetized Active Plugins list. – 2024.09.28

  • Modified r34ics_ajax() function’s sanitization logic to use wp_kses_post() rather than htmlspecialchars(strip_tags()), which was causing some valid HTML to be stripped from the calendar output when using AJAX.

11.3.4 – 2024.09.24

  • Lightbox:
    • Modified CSS to restrict lightbox dimensions on large displays. Lightbox now displays at a maximum of 800×600 pixels, centered in the window. (Applies only when using toggle="lightbox".)
  • Multi-day events:
    • Changed options for extendmultiday from true/false to overnight, allday, both or empty. The previous true/false values map to allday and empty. The new overnight value applies to „overnight“ events with specified start and end times. The allday value (along with the previous true value) works by the previous logic, and applies only to multi-day, all-day events, to address situations where feeds do not conform to the iCalendar spec in handling the end date of multi-day, all-day events. The default is false/empty, with neither condition applying. – 2024.09.18

  • Modified logic around the nolink parameter, to strip an event’s URL from the array during the initial parsing process, rather than relying on later conditionals in templating functions, which in some cases would still show the link even if nolink was set.
  • Added support for the vendor-specific X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS field as a fallback for the iCalendar spec-compliant STATUS field. – 2024.08.22

  • AJAX:
    • Improved error handling when AJAX request fails. Removed repeated attempts on failure, due to the nature of the error being tested for.
    • CSS enhancements to approximate initial height allocated for the calendar, based on view. (Intended to improve Cumulative Layout Shift [CLS] scores with PageSpeed Insights.) Note: There is no way to precisely determine the height of the calendar before it’s loaded.

11.3.3 – 2024.07.31

  • Changed height on AJAX container while loading from 32px to 75vh to reduce impact on Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) scores with Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Modified sametab parameter to support three values: local, all, and none. The default local option is the same default behavior as before (when the parameter is omitted altogether), all is equivalent to the previous true value, and none is a new option that will force all event links to open in a new tab. Existing calendars do not need to be modified; the old values will continue to function as before.
  • Removed logic to insert .offsite-link CSS class in links that open in new tabs, since it was not being used anywhere in the plugin. If you have custom CSS that depends on this class, use this equivalent selector: .ics-calendar a[target="_blank"]
  • Reverted change to conditional logic for events spanning two days, introduced in, because it is causing more problems than it is fixing. A new parameter will be introduced in the next update to make the change optional for the smaller number of users who will benefit from it. – 2024.07.19

  • Changed names of settings actions to replace admin_options with settings for consistency with changes in 11.3.2.
  • Modified logic in some calendar rendering functions to prevent them from running unnecessarily and slowing down the Block Editor.
  • Removed a conditional that treated events spanning two days, with start and end times, as one-day events rather than multi-day events. This older logic was obviated by subsequent changes in the plugin’s handling of multi-day events, but some users may be expecting the previous functionality. Please use the WordPress Support Forums to report any issues.

11.3.2 – 2024.07.08

  • Renamed and relabeled „admin-options“ to „settings“ for consistency and clarity in future code updates.
  • Added Increase memory limit when rendering calendars setting, to allow for adjusting the system memory limit specifically when parsing calendar data. (Also added related r34ics_memory_limit_mb() and r34ics_memory_limit_select() functions.)
  • Bug fix: Added missing r34ics_display_calendar_event_item filter on certain multi-day events.
  • i18n: Aktualizace jazykových proměnných.

11.3.1 – 2024.07.03

  • jQuery:
    • Modified the r34ics_init_start and r34ics_init_end custom events to pass an elem parameter, containing the DOM object that called the r34ics_init() function. On calendars not loaded via AJAX, the function runs on initial page load, and the value passed is null. When the calendar is loaded via AJAX, the object is the div.r34ics-ajax-container element for that calendar. This allows custom functions using this event to have access to the properties of the DOM element, including the id attribute, so developers can write calendar-specific JavaScript.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Standardized all checks for ICS Calendar Pro to use class_exists() and removed some ICS Calendar Pro-specific JavaScript by using the r34ics_init_end event.
  • i18n: Fixed incorrect text domain for translation strings in admin sidebar, and updated affected translation files. – 2024.06.27

  • Updated admin page to address possible issue of tabs not working.
  • Added new plugin settings to System Report.
  • Added r34ics_raw_feed_strip_dtend_none() function (using the r34ics_display_calendar_preprocess_raw_feed filter) to handle edge cases where feeds include the invalid DTEND:None. (This is an identified issue with easyVerein calendars.)

11.3.0 – 2024.06.13

  • Admin:
    • Fixed minor issue with ICS Feed URL Tester changes in version 11.2.2 that prevented display of the tested URL after submitting.
    • Reorganized Settings tab with options grouped under subheadings.
  • Basic Authentication:
    • Added support for including HTTP Basic Authentication user/pass parameters directly in the feed URL in the shortcode, in addition to the previous constant-based method. This approach is still discouraged, since it involves putting the credentials directly in the shortcode and could potentially expose those credentials publicly if the plugin is deactivated, since WordPress outputs the text of any undefined shortcodes directly on the page. But considering that HTTP Basic Authentication is inherently insecure, this should not be a significant issue in most cases. If you are concerned about the confidentiality of your basic auth credentials, please continue to use the old approach. (Note: This change only applies to the new feed request method introduced in version 11, so it will not work if the Use legacy feed request method option is turned on. When using the legacy method, you must use the basicauth parameter in conjunction with the R34ICS_FEED_BASICAUTH constant in your wp-config.php file.)
  • CSS:
    • Modified CSS for new feedlabelindesc so feed color dot only appears in event details hover box, and not in inline descriptions; added styling for feed labels in lightbox.
  • Developer:
  • Event details hover/lightbox:
    • Moved recurrence description to top, below time.
    • Changed HTML wrapper for img from div to figure.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Changed language code in iCalendar output for eventdl to reflect site locale instead of hardcoding EN.
  • Vendors:
    • Updated embedded ics-parser library to latest version (3.4.0+, up through commit 7286ce0.)
  • i18n: Aktualizace jazykových proměnných.
  • Bumped ‚tested up to‘ to 6.6.

11.2.2 – 2024.06.07

  • Admin:
    • ICS Feed URL Tester enhancements. Added suggestions for handling some common situations that may cause a feed request to fail or return incorrect results.
    • Vylepšení CSS.
    • Fixed a bug that caused ICS Feed URL Tester to always return an unknown error after changes introduced in version 11.1.0.
    • Updated action links on Plugins page.
  • Shortcode:
    • Added feedlabelindesc parameter and related functionality.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added R34ICS::shortcode_feed_array_params property and logic to split pipe-delimited, feed-related parameters into arrays for easier logic elsewhere, plus related functionality, including r34ics_shortcode_feed_array_params filter. (This is used by feedlabelindesc and may be used by other future enhancements.)
    • Modified r34ics_has_desc() function to support feedlabelindesc.

11.2.1 – 2024.05.30

  • Shortcode:
    • Added eventlocaltime parameter. Will display all times in the local timezone of the individual event, if applicable. Note: When this parameter is used, the timezone abbreviation T will automatically be appended to the timeformat parameter while parsing the shortcode.
    • Added support for T (timezone abbreviation) in timeformat parameter. Note: Currently only supports placing T at the end of the string. (The timezone abbreviation will be inserted at the end of the time output, regardless of where T appears in the timeformat string.)
  • Admin:
    • Reordered Settings tab items.

11.2.0 – 2024.05.29

  • Admin:
    • Fixed issue after introduction of tabbed layout on ICS Calendar admin page that would cause the wrong tab to load after clicking buttons on the Utilities tab.
    • Added „System Report“ link in sidebar.
  • Shortcode:
    • Added fulldateintable parameter. By default, month and list views show only the day number in the table on desktop breakpoints, and use the date format defined by the format parameter for mobile breakpoints. When fulldateintable="true" is set, the format value will be used to display the date in the table on desktop as well.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added check for R34ICS class already being defined, to prevent a potential fatal error on plugin activation.
    • Added list of valid view names to allow fallback to month view if an invalid name is used. Use the new r34ics_views filter to add any custom view template names to the list.
    • Modified loading logic to run r34ics_update() if the version number has changed, not just if it has increased.
    • Updated protected properties of the R34ICS class.
  • Hotfix:
    • Modified CSS to prevent display of AJAX „loading“ animation being stuck after the calendar loads.

11.1.0 – 2024.05.22

  • Admin:
    • Redesigned admin screen with tabbed layout for improved usability, relabeled some elements, and updated links to User Guide documentation. Refactored associated code into discrete methods. Removed legacy JavaScript that was no longer in use.
  • AJAX:
    • Added new Always use AJAX to render calendars admin setting. This will automatically force all calendars on the site to render asynchronously using AJAX.
    • Restructured AJAX rendering and added a JavaScript interval to automatically refresh all AJAX-loaded calendars on the same frequency as the site’s configured Transient (cache) expiration setting. (Minimum of 300 seconds.) Provides a way for pages containing calendars to be left open indefinitely (e.g. for kiosk displays) and receive updates.
  • Parameters:
    • Added new hidecancelledevents and hidetentativeevents shortcode parameters. These hide events with a STATUS value of CANCELLED or TENTATIVE, respectively.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added fallback to get event URL from the URI property if it exists. The iCalendar spec includes a URI property, but not a URL property. However in our practical experience the URL property is commonly used by calendar vendors.
    • Replaced several instances of null coalescing operators (?? null) with short ternary operators (?: '') setting empty strings rather than null values for event properties. This should not produce any noticeable changes in most cases, but may occasionally allow for values to be returned that have been missing in the output under the old logic.
    • Updated the set of fields that are masked by the maskinfo parameter to account for changes in the ics-parser library.
  • i18n: Aktualizace jazykových proměnných. – 2024.05.15

  • Added R34ICS::get_list_style_views() and r34ics_list_style_views filter to allow external addition of list-style views for certain conditional logic.
  • Performance improvements: Narrowed rough parsed date ranges defined in R34ICS::display_calendar_date_range() to reduce memory usage and processing time for calendars with a large number of recurring events.
  • Admin page layout adjustments.
  • Debugging: Removed restriction that only reports dynamic peak of memory usage if debug level is set to 2 or higher.
  • Bumped ‚tested up to‘ version to 6.5.3. – 2024.05.02

  • Developer:
    • Added r34ics_display_calendar_after_args action.

11.0.1 – 2024.05.02

  • Basic/list views:
    • Pagination: changed default pagination count to 5 instead of using posts_per_page site option; cast pagination value as integer when set; fixed missing # in previous/next pagination URLs. Fixed two jQuery bugs.
  • Week view:
    • Modified change from version to adapt when the window is resized between phone and non-phone breakpoints. (The previous fix depended on the size of the window on initial page load.)
  • Admin:
    • Added r34ics_is_block_editor() function, and logic to prevent unnecessary processing potentially occurring on Block Editor screens.
  • Developer:
    • Added two new actions: r34ics_shortcode_before_display_calendar and r34ics_shortcode_after_display_calendar. These actions fire off in R34ICS::shortcode() before and after the call to R34ICS::display_calendar().
    • Corrected add_action() to add_filter() for r34ics_display_calendar_exclude_event in class-r34ics.php.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Removed logic to run gzdecode() in R34ICS::_url_get_contents() because wp_remote_get() already does that. Eliminates appearance of numerous related PHP warnings in log files. – 2024.04.23

  • Week view:
    • Fixed JavaScript issue of containers not extending to the full width in mobile „list“-style layout when switching between weeks.
  • ICS feed request functionality:
    • Updated R34ICS::_url_get_contents() to address some additional edge case issues introduced with the switch to wp_remote_get() in version 11.0.0 that were not fully resolved by the update. Specifically, added customized handling of 301 and 302 redirects to use the Location header returned in the response object, rather than relying on the built-in redirection in wp_remote_get(), which was causing some hosts (including Google Calendar) to reject the request.
    • Added Use legacy feed request method option on settings page, and corresponding R34ICS::_url_get_contents_legacy() method. For sites that are still not successfully retrieving feeds with the fixes added in, this option reverts to using the old method for requesting feeds using cURL and fopen functions.
    • Updated debugging tools for internal testing during development.

(Note: Version was intentionally removed due to a logistical issue.) – 2024.04.18

  • Fixes an issue with HTTP headers in the new method of retrieving ICS feeds. The issue was hotfixed approximately one hour after the initial release, but some sites may have picked up the update within that hour. This update also increases the timeout from 5 to 30 seconds, to address potential issues with retrieving very large ICS files.

11.0.0 – 2024.04.18

PLEASE NOTE: This version includes a significant rewrite of the function that retrieves the contents of ICS feed URLs. It is now using the built-in wp_remote_get() WordPress function (instead of PHP cURL and fopen functions as before), so it should be fully compatible with all existing installations. However, if you encounter any new issues, please visit the WordPress Support Forums for assistance.

  • Admin Settings:
    • Added Allow access to these hostnames that resolve to reserved IP addresses setting. This allows sites to access calendar servers on the same physical IP address as the web server, or within the same internal network. Previously this needed to be handled using custom PHP code as outlined in this blog post.
  • Code Refactoring:
    • Replaced previous cURL and fopen logic with wp_remote_get() in R34ICS::_url_get_contents() method. Correspondingly, deprecated the curlopts and method parameters. Note: The second and fourth parameters of the protected method R34ICS::_url_get_contents() were removed rather than deprecated. No external plugins should be using this method other than ICS Calendar Pro, which has been correspondingly updated.
    • Removed admin notice checking for presence of cURL or fopen functions.
  • WordPress Playground:
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Added missing fourth parameter to r34ics_event_description_html action.
    • Changed Room 34 Creative Services logo link on admin page sidebar.
    • Fixed PHP warning in r34ics_system_report() in rare situations where get_option('active_plugins') returns a plugin that is not included in get_plugins(). (May occur if the plugin has been manually removed from the file system.)
    • Modified R34ICS::event_description_html() to handle $event['start_time'] and $event['end_time'] as alternatives to $event['start'] and $event['end'].
    • Updated header details in ics-calendar.php.
  • a11y:
    • Changed CSS for .ics-calendar-arrow-nav > *.inactive to completely hide inactive arrow navigation elements (e.g. „Previous“ while on first month, „Today“ while on current month, etc.) rather than screening back their opacity. Modified jQuery corresponding to these elements to dynamically add aria-hidden="true" when inactive class is added.
  • i18n:
    • Added and updated translation strings.
  • Bumped ‚tested up to‘ version to 6.5.2.

Full Changelog

Changelog truncated here due to WordPress repository requirements. Please see changelog.txt for older logs.