Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Groups bbPress


Groups bbPress integrates Groups and bbPress so that all topics and replies related to protected forums are also protected automatically.

This additional plugin is necessary if you want to run member-only forums with bbPress and Groups. As the topics and replies in bbPress are custom post types, it is not sufficient to protect a forum using Groups.
The topics and replies in a protected forum would still be accessible unless they are also protected.
This plugin extends the access restrictions on a forum to its related topics.
This also applies to replies posted on topics: replies posted on a topic will be accessible to users who can access the topic and the forum only.
If additional access restrictions are set on a topic, its replies are protected by both the forum’s and the topic’s access restrictions.

Groups Forums is an alternative to using bbPress as your forum system with Groups.

Zpětná vazba

Feedback is welcome!

If you need help, have problems, want to leave feedback or want to provide constructive criticism, please do so here at the Groups bbPress plugin page.

Please try to solve problems there before you rate this plugin or say it doesn’t work. There goes a lot of work into providing you with quality plugins!

Please help with your feedback and we’re also grateful if you help spread the word about this plugin.



Follow @itthinx on Twitter for updates on this and other plugins.



Log in as an administrator and go to Plugins > Add New.

Type Groups bbPress in the search field and click Search Plugins, locate the Groups bbPress plugin by itthinx and install it by clicking Install Now.
Now activate the plugin to have topics and replies automatically protected based on forum access restrictions.


You can install the plugin via FTP, see Manual Plugin Installation.

Nejčastější dotazy

Jak to funguje?

Once a forum is protected by Groups, its related topics and replies are also protected automatically.
You don’t need to set any additional access restrictions on those replies or topics.
You can set additional access restrictions on topics and replies if desired.
If you set an additional access restriction on a topic, the related replies will also be protected based on that.

What other alternatives do we have?

Groups Forums is an alternative to using bbPress as your forum system with Groups.


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


Groups bbPress je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn

For the full changelog see changelog.txt.