A responsive and easy-to-use tool for dividing your content in your posts/pages. This ultra-lightweight plugin allows you to put your content in columns of various widths. What you see is what you get, and it’s totally free.
Usage example
1. Create rows using [GDC_row]
2. Add columns using [GDC_column]
[GDC_column size="third"]
Your content here
[GDC_column size="third"]
Your content here
[GDC_column size="third"]
Your content here
Available sizes
- half
- third
- two-thirds
- quarter
- three-quarters
See more code examples on the documentation page.
Find help in our forums for this plugin (we’ll answer you fast, promise).
Snímky obrazovky
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin
- Find our Grid Shortcodes plugin by WP Darko and click Install now
- Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of grid-shortcodes.zip to your plugin directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin
Usage example
1. Create rows using [GDC_row]
2. Add columns using [GDC_column]
[GDC_column size="third"]
Your content here
[GDC_column size="third"]
Your content here
[GDC_column size="third"]
Your content here
Available sizes
- half
- third
- two-thirds
- quarter
- three-quarters
See more example on the documentation page.
Nejčastější dotazy
Usage example
1. Create rows using [GDC_row]
2. Add columns using [GDC_column]
[GDC_row] [GDC_column size="third"] Your content here [/GDC_column] [GDC_column size="third"] Your content here [/GDC_column] [GDC_column size="third"] Your content here [/GDC_column] [/GDC_row]
Available sizes
- half
- third
- two-thirds
- quarter
- three-quarters
See more example on the documentation page.
Find help on our support platform for this plugin (we’ll answer you fast, promise).
Grid Shortcodes je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Grid Shortcodes” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Fixed minor vulnerability issue
- Stripping out paragraphs and new lines between columns (thanks @makbeta).
- Initial release