gcStats is a plugin that focuses on GeoCaching and displays some Statistics in your blog.
- NEW! Display your geocaches using the osm plugin by Michael Kang on a map
- using shortcodes to add Statistics to your Blog
- add a widget to your sidebar which displays types of caches you have found
- Use Flash or HTML to visualize your Statistics
- Simply upload your myFinds-GPX-File from geocaching.com and insert shortcodes
All shortcodes will look like this: [ GCSTATS type=“***“ ]
Possible values for attribute type:
* total
* countftf
* lastfounds (additional attribute „number“ for „My last number founds)
* maxdist (needs attributes „lat“ and „lon“ for home-coordinates)
* container (possible attribute useflash=“yes“)
* weekdays (possible attribute useflash=“yes“)
* type (possible attribute useflash=“yes“)
* matrix
To display the OSM-Map please install the osm plugin
and add the OSM-shortcode [ osm_map import=“gcstats,gcAccountName“ ]
Please also see the examples on http://michael.josi.de/projects/gcstats/
- Upload gcStats folder to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Get your „MyFinds“-Pocketquery from geocaching.com, extract it and upload the (your user-id).gpx file in gcStats upload form
- Add shortcodes to a page (see http://michael.josi.de/projects/gcstats/ for some examples)
Nejčastější dotazy
- How can I display my Finds on a map ?
You have to install osm plugin to use display a map with your caches.
Then you need a shortcode like this: [ osm_map import=“gcstats,gcAccountName“ ]
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
gcStats je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “gcStats” do svého jazyka.
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