Extend Link


Extend Link

Extend Link plugin is All-In-One for WordPress post editor to manage the links, add class to link, rel nofollow, title, ID, and downloadable link.

The Features

  1. Insert any attribute to the link:
    1. Rel Nofollow.
    2. Link Title.
    3. Link ID.
    4. Link Classes.
    5. Open link in a new tab.
    6. Downloadable link.
  2. Visual Editor.
  3. All-In-One.
  4. Easy to use.

Explanation of Use

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Snímky obrazovky

  • Link Options „All-In-One“.



  1. Upload ‚extend-link‘ folder to the ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Open your post editor, select any text, click on „Extend Link“ button in your editor, set your link options, enjoy.

Read Explanation of Use

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4. 12. 2019
The idea is great and a great job but it doesn’t work with the Gutenberg editor 🙁 When the plugin is updated by adding the functionalities under the existing „open in new window“ button in the Gutenberg editor, it will obviously deserve 5 stars.
Přečtěte si všechny 3 recenze


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Přehled změn


  • Please update! We detected a problem with inserting attribute to any a text element. We canceled inserting attribute to other element, you can inserting any attribute to the links only. We sorry.


  • Fixing the element type.

  • Note: Now you can inserting Classes, ID, and Title attribute to any a text element (e.g. span, h1, h2, h3, etc.. except paragraph element) – We canceled it in v1.0.3.


  • A New Features: Inserting Classes, ID, and Title attribute to any a text element (e.g. span, h1, h2, h3, etc.. except paragraph element) – We canceled it in v1.0.3.


  • First version.