This plugin allows you to easily create pull quotes in your posts by adding a button to the post editor. As an added bonus, pull quotes can be easily shared to Twitter by the end user by clicking the Twitter icon.
You’ve got 3 options for pull quotes, full-width, right-aligned, or left-aligned. Easy Pull Quotes will take on the styles and font sizes from your theme. Plus be on the lookout for customizer options coming soon!
Snímky obrazovky
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Place
<?php do_action('plugin_name_hook'); ?>
in your templates
Nejčastější dotazy
- How do I add a pull quote?
Just select the Easy Pull Quotes button on the post editor. Insert some text. Select your alignment. Press ok.
- But what if I want to be difficult and not do that?
Well you could manually enter the shortcode. It takes 1 attribute ‚align‘ which can take 1 of 3 arguments ‚align-left‘, ‚align-right‘, and, you guessed it, ‚align-center‘.
[epq-quote align="align-right"]Bleep bloop blorp[/epq-quote]
- Can I edit the styles of the pull quote?
Sure! You’ll just have to use CSS. Right now the class
contains the styling for the pull quote. If you want to edit the Twitter icon that can be done with.epq-twitter
. But be warned the icon is using the proper Twitter brand standard colors. - Anything else I need to know?
Not really. The plugin is pretty simple.
Easy Pull Quotes je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Fixing a bug with urlencoding caused by WordPress encoding HTML entities
in the editor. Example, & would be encoded as & in the editor then encoded
as %26amp%3B in the Twitter url insteald of just %26.
- Better encoding for characters used in Twitter urls
- Switching twitter.com/widgets.js to only load when Easy Pull Quotes is used in a post
- The initial plugin