Add HTML <div> tags directly on the visual editor using [div] shortcode.
- [div]Your content here[/div]
- [div class=“your css classes“]Content[/div]
- [div embed=“http://em.bd/123″]
- [div embed=“http://em.bd/123″ class=“your css classes“]
- [div class=“your css classes“]http://em.bd/123[/div]
Diver development home: http://github.com/leandroarndt/diver/
Nejčastější dotazy
- 1. Do I heave to close the [div] shortcode?
The closing ([/div]) shortcode is optional. However note that you will have
only the embed attribute to enter contents if you don’t close the shortcode
manually. - 2. Does [div] shortcode allow code injection?
No. All content from \“class\“ and \“embed\“ parameters is sanitized and quotes
are substituted by the corresponding HTML entities. - 3. May the user create a CSS style different from those on the stylesheet?
No. Diver WordPress plugin is intended to respect theme styles and be away from
direct style definitions. Style definition and content shouldn\’t be mixed up,
should them?
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Diver je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- 2015-01-15: First release.
- 2015-01-21: Better readme.txt formatting.
- 2016-02-04: readme.txt changes.