Burst Statistics – Privacy-Friendly Analytics for WordPress


Unlock the Power of Privacy-Friendly Analytics with Burst Statistics!

Self-hosted, privacy-friendly WordPress stats with Burst Statistics! Our dashboards offer clear and concise insights, allowing you to make informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed by abundant data. Choose Burst Statistics for seamless and reliable analytics trusted by over 200,000 users.

This plugin is free and does not require an account.

Key Features for Powerful Insights

  • Privacy-Friendly: All data is stored on your own server.
  • Essential Metrics: Get the core data you need, like Pageviews, Visitors, Sessions, Time on Page, and Referrers.
  • Real-Time Data: Get instant insights directly on your dashboard.
  • Track Your Goals: Easily track your custom goals and keep track of conversions.
  • Free Support: Feel free to reach out to us for assistance. We would be happy to help in any way we can.
  • Simplicity: User-friendly analytics that does not overwhelm you with data.
  • Email Reporting: Receive regular email reports on your website’s stats.

Here’s a review from one of our users:

“On-premise Analytics is a great, if not the best, alternative to Google Analytics in the GDPR era. On top of that, since it’s native to WordPress, it’s so easy to configure Goals, etc. That’s awesome.”
Daan from Daan.dev (@daanvandenbergh)

From the creators of Really Simple SSL & Complianz

Burst Statistics was created by experienced developers who created Really Simple SSL & Complianz, with over 6,000,000 active installs combined. With a proven track record of providing top-notch, user-friendly solutions, you can trust that Burst Statistics meets the same high standards.

Our community speaks for itself: with over 2,000,000 downloads and 200,000 active users, Burst Statistics is a trusted choice for your analytics needs.

Make Burst Statistics better!

Our team is always working on improving our plugin, and your input as a user can significantly help us in this process. You don’t require any coding or software development knowledge to contribute; simply sharing your ideas or any issues you encounter would help to improve the plugin significantly. Please feel free to contact us via a support request on the WordPress forums; we welcome any feedback you may have.

Get even more insight with Burst Pro

Unlock comprehensive insights into your website’s user behavior with Burst Pro. Benefit from advanced features designed to improve performance, boost engagement, and drive conversions. Elevate your data analysis experience by upgrading to Burst Pro today.

Burst Pro Features include:

  • Geo-Tracking: Identify the countries your visitors are coming from.
  • Data Archiving: Automatic archiving and manual restore options.
  • Multiple Goals: Track multiple objectives to measure your site’s success.
  • More metrics: Get more insights into your website’s performance.
  • Premium Support: Premium Support from our fantastic team.
  • URL Parameter Tracking: Monitor the effectiveness of your URL parameters.
  • UTM Campaign Tracking: Track the performance of your marketing campaigns.

For upcoming features, please visit our roadmap on our website.


  • Přejděte na položku „Pluginy“ v ovládacím panelu WordPressu a klikněte na tlačítko „Přidat nový“.
  • Klikněte na tlačítko „Nahrát“ a vyberte stažený soubor .zip.
  • Aktivujte nový plugin.
  • Pomocí naší prohlídky se seznámíte se statistikami Burst.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Burst statistiky: Analytický panel


Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.

  • Pageviews Counter

Nejčastější dotazy

Znalostní databáze

We will maintain and grow a knowledgebase about Burst Statistics and analytics & privacy in general.

Where is the data stored?

The data is stored in your own WordPress database. Unlike cloud solutions, we have no access to your data. We aim to keep the data as small as possible, and Burst can also automatically archive or delete old data. Read more about if you need data archiving.

Do I need an account?

No, you don’t need an account; no data is sent to another website.

Is there a limit to the number of visitors I can track?

No, there is no limit. The only limiting factor is your own database and server.

Can I exclude IP addresses or user roles from tracking?

Burst Statistics allows you to exclude specific IP addresses and user roles from tracking in the settings. Burst also excludes most known crawlers and bots from being tracked. Read more about IP blocking or excluding user roles.

Does Burst Statistics use cookies?

There is an option to use cookieless tracking if you prefer. But by default, Burst uses cookies because they are more accurate and lightweight. While using cookies, Burst remains privacy-friendly because all data is anonymous and stored on your server. Read more about why cookies are misunderstood.

Why is Burst Statistics Privacy-Friendly?

Burst Statistics provides an Analytics Dashboard with anonymized data that is yours and yours alone. Read more about Why Burst Statistics is Privacy-Friendly.

Co je to sledování bez Cookies?

Burst Statistics can be used without setting cookies or storing data in browsers. However, this can affect accuracy, so a hybrid option with cookies after consent is possible. Read more about Cookieless tracking.

Does Burst Statistics affect performance?

Performance is almost not affected. We have built Burst to be very performant for your users because we know how important it is for your website. Read more about Turbo Mode

Can I give feedback about the plugin?

We value your feedback. You can submit a support request on the WordPress forums, and we will respond promptly.


14. 1. 2025 1 odpověď
The support team is responsive and professional. They quickly addressed my feedback and proposed an effective solution. Great experience overall!
7. 1. 2025 1 odpověď
I had a little challenge with my plugin and got swift and superfast support and help + it was fixed! Very happy with how things are taken care off and the usability of the plugin.
6. 1. 2025 1 odpověď
Excellent plug-in. I had Google Analytics, but it was way more than my site needed and the Google JavaScript code impacted performance. I installed Burst stats and it gives me the stats I need without all the overhead. My pagespeed score improved too!
23. 10. 2024 1 odpověď
I installed it instead of Google Analytics. Works perfectly, is completely sufficient and is data protection compliant.
Přečtěte si všech 136 recenzí


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Přehled změn


  • Feature: Only download translation languages that your website actually needs to save precious storage and bandwidth.
  • Improvement: Limit live update requests to enhance system performance.
  • Improvement: Added an option to exclude bounces, allowing users to adjust settings more easily.
  • Improvement: Optimized the downloading of the GEO IP database for up-to-date location information.
  • Fix: This addresses the issue with sorting by 0 in WordPress.
  • Fix: Prevent duplication of burst post meta when Yoast Duplicate Post is used. props @dariuserdt
  • Fix: Corrects the behavior of the burst_admin_url() function when it receives a path, ensuring it is properly handled.
  • Fix: Prevent burst tracking from causing server spikes when Complianz clears cookies without consent for stats.


  • November 18, 2024
  • New: Blueprint.js demo data
  • Improvement: option to override the default time between endpoint tests, props @tobaco
  • Improvement: allow parameter length over 250 characters, props @ficusmedia
  • Improvement: option to dismiss all notices, except critical issues, props @3cstudio
  • Fix: clear unused 5 minutes cron job
  • Fix: on deactivation on multisite, not all tables were deleted yet, props @ecce-homo
  • Improvement: Change column parameters to text to allow longer params.
  • Improvement: Added a composite index on uid and time to speed up inserting tracking data. props @johannesdb
  • Fix: Language issue with malformed URL’s. props @apollosk
  • Fix: Issue with translatable files with WP 6.7.


  • Fix: Goal title would sometimes become empty and uneditable. This has been resolved.
  • Feature: Added support for the WP Consent API, which will allow you to track users based on their consent for multiple plugins.
  • Improvement: Added Complianz integration. This will allow you to track users based on their consent for Complianz.
  • Improvement: Added option to track changes in the URL when not reloading the page. This will allow you to track single page applications.
  • Fix: Email reporting did not work properly for some users. This has been resolved.


  • Fix: Issue with upgrade staying stuck on 35% for some users. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Issue where the tracking test would sometimes not restart. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Dashboard widget would not be shown due to a change in the Dashboard page. This has been resolved.


  • Fix: Not every cron job was cleared on deactivation, props @nerokin.
  • Fix: Fixed issue where the timezone would not be set correctly in the insights chart.
  • Fix: Optimizer mu plugin would not be deleted on uninstall. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Searching pages would sometimes not work. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Single Page Applications can now be tracked properly. This was not working correctly before.
  • Feature: Track WordPress hooks as a goal! This will allow you to track WooCommerce orders, form submissions, and more. Predefined goals for large plugins are available and will grow over time.
  • Improvement: Moved Burst to have it’s own main menu item, so people can navigate to the dashboard more easily.
  • Improvement: Send the beacon information as JSON instead of text/plain. This will prevent false positives in security software.
  • Improvement: Tracking now works with Speculation Rules API. This will cause the tracking to be more accurate, when using speculation rules.
  • Improvement: Added a notice for when the cron does not work properly. This will help users to know when the cron is not working.
  • Improvement: For high traffic websites, we have made the displaying of data more efficient. This will improve the performance of the dashboard for both high and low traffic websites.
  • Improvement: Translatability has been improved by adding %s to the translation strings. This will allow for better translations in languages that have different word orders.
  • Improvement: When the numbers in the compare tab are formatted a tooltip will show the full number. This will help users to see the full number when the number is too large to display.
  • Improvement: Post meta will be tracked more accurately. This will help users to see the correct amount of pageviews for each post.
  • Improvement: Added lookup tables for devices, browsers, and operating systems. This will keep the database size smaller and improve the performance of the dashboard.


  • Feature: Email reporting. You can now receive a weekly or monthly email with your website statistics. Add up to 10 email addresses to receive the report.
  • Feature: Reset statistics. You can now reset your statistics to start fresh. This will remove all data from the database. Settings will remain the same.
  • Fix: Issue where the capabilities where not set properly.
  • Fix: Issue where the Dashboard was returning lot’s of errors when a user only has view access for Burst Statistics.


  • Tested up to: WordPress 6.5
  • Feature: (Pro) Tracking of URL parameters and UTM Campaigns. This will allow you to track the performance of your marketing campaigns and see how your site is being used.
  • Feature: (Pro) Added more metrics to select in all datatables (Pages, Referrers, Countries, Parameters, Campaigns).
  • Feature: Track WordPress hooks as a goal. This will allow you to track WooCommerce orders, form submissions, and more. Your imagination is the limit.
  • Feature: Added shortcode to display the most viewed posts or pages. This will allow you to display the most popular posts or pages on your website.
  • Improvement: Removed WPML specific code as it is not needed anymore.
  • Improvement: Added support for CIDR notation in the IP block list. Now you can block a range of IP addresses.
  • Improvement: Separate tracking script from backend code. This will improve performance & security and reduce the amount of code that needs to be loaded.
  • Improvement: Re-introduced summary tables with a fixed upgrade script. This will improve the performance of the dashboard.
  • Improvement: Changed hooks for datatable creation to not run on every page load, when debugging is enabled. Now it runs on activation and upgrade.
  • Improvement: Added an option in multisite to allow tracking per site or network wide.
  • Fix: Data in the Today block on the Dashboard was not the same as the stats shown in the Statistics tab. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Open base dir restrictions would sometimes cause warnings in the dashboard after installing Burst. This has been resolved.


  • Fix: Security issue where a contributor with the ability to add posts and add custom fields, could create a cross-site scripting attack. This has been resolved. props @Webbernaut
  • Fix: Changed key length for page_url to 191 to prevent issues with MySQL 5.7.7 and lower.
  • Fix: Issue where using [ in a URL would result in a failed tracking request. This has been resolved. props @webwitnl
  • Improvement: Removed legacy code in the functions.php file.

  • Fix: Tracking would only work for users with cookieless tracking, because the burst script was empty due to an error in the build process. This has been resolved.


  • Improvement: Removed unused anonymize IP function. We don’t save any IP addresses, so this has been removed.
  • Improvement: In the database boolean values will now be saved as tinyint(1) instead of int(1). This will save space in the database.
  • New: Gutenberg block to display amount of pageviews on a page.
  • Fix: Issue where adding a goal would cause a console.error. This has been resolved.

  • Fix: Issue where the plugin could not be deleted due to a fatal error. This has been resolved.


  • Fix: limit summary tables upgrade to new users, and explicit upgraded websites.
  • Fix: Don’t delete data on uninstall. Only delete when the ‚Delete all data and deactivate‘ prompt is selected.


  • Security: fixed an authenticated SQL injection vulnerability.
  • Improvement: We have added summary tables, which will speed up the dashboard tremendously on large websites. The summary tables are updated every hour.
  • Improvement: We have added some indexes and removed some unused data which speeds up the dashboard and it will reduce the database size quite a bit.
  • Improvement: Save the last used date range in local storage, so when you return the date is the same.
  • Improvement: Updated referrer spam list.
  • Fix: Added more data to delete on uninstall. This will prevent data from being left behind when uninstalling the plugin.
  • Fix: Referer spam would not be filtered out. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Click goals where an ID was on a parent class, would not be tracked. Now this is checked recursively.


  • Fix: Fixed error in class-statistics.php
  • Fix: Changed query for post count per page on for logged in users.
  • Fix: Fixed a PHP error after activating the plugin.
  • Improvement: Moved endpoint to within the plugin folder.
  • Improvement: Changed some React imports to WordPress imports to save on file size.
  • Improvement: Removed unused data from the database. Removed full user_agent, shortened the full page URL and the referrer url, by removing site_url.
  • Fix: Tracking with Complianz turned on could sometimes result in double tracking. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: For filtering by conversions, the insights chart would not show the data correctly. This has been resolved.


  • New Feature: Added pageviews per page display in top menu for logged-in users.
  • Fix: Removed random string from goals script for better caching.
  • Fix: Resolved display issue for goal creation date upon deletion.
  • Fix: Hide comparison block when no data is available for comparison.
  • Fix: Goal title now auto-saves.
  • Fix: Corrected URL in the settings page.
  • Improvement: Introduced new dashboard widget.
  • Improvement: Metric settings now saved to browser storage.
  • Fix: Resolved settings disappearance when adding multiple goals.
  • Improvement: Added a lightweight tooltip, reducing overall dashboard file size.
  • Improvement: Added option to select metric for conversion rate in goal settings.
  • Fix: Fixed goal name change issue when field is emptied.
  • Fix: Modified sessions color in insights chart for better clarity.
  • Fix: Resolved incorrect data display in insights chart with datepicker use.
  • Fix: Fixed 100% conversion rate issue for ‚Visit‘ goal tracking based on current page.
  • Fix: Resolved pageview sorting issue for countries.
  • Fix: Fixed blank page issue on date range picker click in dashboard.
  • Fix: Resolved missing conversions in Insights chart when displayed in hours.
  • Fix: Fixed improper filtering in devices block when filtering by goal.
  • Fix: Ensured data deletion when a goal is deleted.


  • Skipped to keep version numbers in sync with the Burst Pro plugin.

  • Fix: build of react code for dashboard, props @schidddy

  • Fix missing file causing a fatal error, props @bb15


  • Security: fixed an SQL injection issue, props German Ritter
  • Improvement: Updated outdated readme information.
  • Improvement: Updated outdated links in the plugin.
  • Improvement: Some minor styling changes.
  • Improvement: Added notice about country insights.
  • Fix: Dropdown in data archiving showing empty.
  • Fix: Missing slug for Really Simple SSL with suggested plugins block
  • Improvement: Skip a missing post in the posts array for the goals overview.
  • Fix: Goals could crash when no hits were recorded yet. This has been resolved.

  • Fix: Build issue for our dashboard.


  • New: Delete old data to manage your database disk usage.
  • Improvement: Don’t add WordPress script dependencies if endpoint is working correctly, props @gauravtiwari.
  • Improvement: Use fallback method for Burst endpoint test, props @ov3rfly.
  • Fix: For when page id was always empty, props @huubl.


  • Improvement: Tested up to WordPress 6.3


  • Improvement: For checking if the endpoint works, we changed file_get_contents to wp_remote_get to prevent issues with some hosts. props @ov3rfly
  • Fix: Tracking would sometimes not work properly when some data was missing like the user agent information. This has been resolved. props @ov3rfly
  • Improvement: Added month to date and week to date to the datepicker. props @daanvandenbergh
  • Fix: When tracking page visits as a goal, tracking would in some cases not work. This is now fixed.
  • Fix: Some users could not load data due to a firewall issue. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Persian URLs would not show properly in the dashboard. This has been resolved.


  • Fix: Fixed an issue where the REST API would not work properly and the AJAX fallback was used. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where „Direct“ referrers where not being displayed properly. In Czech language, this would result in referrers not showing all together. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: When all tasks were completed, remaining tasks would still show 1. Now it will show 0.
  • Fix: When activating Burst through the ‚bulk‘ activate option, the plugin did not activate due to a fatal error. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Disabled some logs when debug mode is disabled.
  • Fix: In some situations the ‚Statistics‘ in the menu would not show an active state when visiting the Burst Dashboard.

  • Fix: Upgrade script for 1.4.0 did not run properly. This has been resolved. The upgrade will run again.


  • Fix: Fixed an issue where data was shown with bounces, even when bounces should be excluded.
  • Fix: Fixed a fatal error in the REST API fallback. Props @helmar
  • Fix: When inserting a goal, the statistics_id could be empty resulting in an error. This has been resolved.


  • Fix: Added a fallback for when the REST API does not return a valid response.
  • Fix: Translation strings were not being loaded properly.
  • Fix: Date picker caused the dashboard to crash for some users. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: IP block did not save IP addresses properly. This has been resolved.
  • Fix: Datepicker did not select the right timezone. This has been fixed.


  • Feature: Goals. You can now set goals for your website and track them in the dashboard.
  • Feature: Filter your data by device, pages, referrers, and more.
  • Improvement: Speed performance of statistics dashboard
  • Improvement: WP and PHP version checks integrated with WP Core.


  • Fix: Fixed timezone issue where there would be a mismatch between the selected date in the datepicker and the date shown up top.
  • Fix: Fixed issue where referrers would not show up when Czech language was selected.
  • Fix: RTL issue in some languages
  • Improvement: Tested up to WordPress 6.2


  • Oprava: Odstraněno ukládání statistik do mezipaměti, protože způsobovalo více problémů a nepřinášelo výkonnostní výhody.
  • Oprava: Byla vyřešena chyba časového razítka, která způsobovala, že se dnešní čas lišil o posunutí časového pásma klienta.
  • Vylepšení: Bylo odstraněno zastaralé vyrovnávací paměťové ukládání výstupů.
  • Oprava: Překlady JS byly opraveny.
  • Oprava: Byly odstraněny nepotřebné chybové protokoly.


  • Oprava: Časová pásma nefungovala správně. Burst nyní využívá nastavení časových pásem WordPressu, aby bylo zajištěno, že se pro všechna data použije správné časové pásmo.
  • Oprava: Překladové pluginy občas měnily adresu URL rozhraní REST API, což vedlo k tomu, že sledování pomocí rozhraní REST API nefungovalo. Tento problém byl vyřešen použitím wp.apiFetch místo fetch.
  • Vylepšení: Dříve se při zablokování IP adresy v nastavení zobrazovala chyba 403. Nyní se vrací odpověď 202 se zprávou, že IP adresa byla zablokována.
  • Oprava: Překlepy v kódu byly opraveny.
  • Oprava: Bylo vyřešeno varování PHP, které se objevovalo při ukončení prohlídky.


  • Oprava: Sledování bez použití cookie nefungovalo správně. Problém, kdy někteří uživatelé nebyli sledováni.
  • Oprava: Qtranslate způsoboval chybu, při které se nemohla načíst nástěnka.
  • Oprava: Objekt DateTime nebyl na nástěnce správně naformátován.
  • Oprava: Problém, při kterém docházelo k pádu testů sledování a zobrazování nesprávných informací.
  • Funkce: Podpora globální kontroly soukromí. Přidáno nastavení pro respektování hlaviček DoNotTrack a Global Privacy Control.


  • Oprava: automatické aktualizace způsobovali kritickou chybu, protože požadovaná funkce se načetla pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.


  • Vylepšení: Nástěnka reakce & stránka nastavení. To nám pomáhá urychlit vývoj a zlepšit uživatelský zážitek.
  • Vylepšení: Nastavení pro blokování IP adres a vyloučení uživatelských rolí ze sledování. Návrh od @lowym
  • Vylepšení: Vylepšená cesta ke koncovému bodu. Cesta je nyní dynamická pomocí WP_CONTENT_DIR. Návrh od @HubertGL
  • Vylepšení: Vylepšení výkonu díky optimalizaci rozhraní REST API pro nástěnku.
  • Vylepšení: Zobrazit všechny výsledky v datových tabulkách. Návrh od@alfanova
  • Přidána podpora jazyka RTL.
  • Vylepšení: Přidána podpora ‚prostých‘ trvalých odkazů.
  • Funkce: Změna metrik pro graf náhledu.
  • Funkce: Zobrazení hodinových statistik v grafu náhledu. Návrh od @perties
  • Funkce: Na kartě „Statistiky“ se zobrazují údaje za dnešní den. Návrh od @perties


  • Oprava: Opraven problém s přeložitelným řetězcem
  • Testováno do WordPress 6.1


  • Oprava: Opraven problém, kdy duplikování produktu WooCommerce kopírovalo celkový počet zobrazení stránek z původního produktu.


  • Oprava: Opraven problém, kdy přidání schopností role vedlo k fatální chybě.
  • Oprava: Počty příspěvků a stránek se neaktualizovaly, to je nyní opraveno.
  • Oprava: Změna koncového bodu DIR na adresu URL, aby se zabránilo chybám 404 při instalaci do podsložky.
  • Vylepšení: Odstranit koncový bod při odinstalaci.


  • Funkce: Zavedení možnosti odložení/zápatí
  • Funkce: Představení nové vylepšené metody sledování
  • Vylepšení: Oznámení o zpětné vazbě


  • Zlepšení: Změněno z .less na .scss, protože WordPress také používá .scss
  • Vylepšení: Vypnutí možnosti automatického načítání aktualizací na předním panelu pro lepší výkon.
  • Oprava: Opravena chyba, kdy UID mohlo být prázdné, což vedlo k chybě SQL.
  • Oprava: Oprava posledního kroku prohlídky, aby byl uvnitř okna
  • Vylepšení: Integrace s Complianz, která přidává burst_uid do cookie-scanneru


  • Oprava: Výpočet míry okamžitého opuštění
  • Funkce: Sledování bez cookies


  • Oprava: Fatální chyba v PHP 7.2
  • Vylepšení: Blokování IP adresy pomocí pluginu MU
  • Vylepšení: Upozornění na selhání rozhraní REST API


  • Vylepšení: Přidáno rozbalování datových tabulek, Návrh od @topfgartenwelt


  • Vylepšení: Přidány možnosti prohlížení a/nebo editace Burst
  • Vylepšení: Přidání nových zařízení do rozpoznaných zařízení
  • Vylepšení: Přidány filtry, které umožňují změnit oddělovač desetinných míst a tisíců.


  • Oprava: lepší skript pro sledování. Záznamy z jednoho zobrazení stránky nyní nelze zaznamenat vícekrát.
  • Vylepšení: návštěvy v přehledu stránek a příspěvků. Vzhledem k tomu, že se tyto návštěvy ukládají odlišně, budou i u stávajících nastavení začínat na 0. Návrh od Shayne
  • Vylepšení: přidán parametr pro vymazání mezipaměti nástěnky
  • Vylepšení: přidána událost JS, aby se ostatní pluginy mohly integrovat s Burstem
  • Vylepšení: přidána příloha o ochraně soukromí
  • Improvement: added widget to the WordPress Dashboard Props: Shayne


  • Oprava: oprava překlepu v generate_cached_data, Návrh od @seath
  • Oprava: některé řetězce s chybnou textovou doménou
  • Vylepšení: odkaz v nápovědě, Návrh od @8725z4twhugias


  • Oprava: textová doména, Návrh od @bonaldi
  • Oprava: předpona knihovny parse_user_agent pro opravu kompatibility s Rank Math


  • První vydání