Atr Inline Rtl Ltr


Block editor toolbar addition for mixed Rtl Ltr writing directions. It wrap words (or sentences) in paragraph block with span element and change their direction from rtl->ltr or ltr->rtl as you need.

Uses dir=“rtl“ or dir=“ltr“. See also Inline bidi markup at

Note that the wrapping element is < span dir=“rtl“ || dir=“ltr“ class=“atr-inline-direction-rtl“ || class=“atr-inline-direction-ltr“ > so you can control it through your site CSS as well. i.e. .atr-inline-direction-rtl{direction: rtl;display:inline-block}

Snímky obrazovky

  • Two buttons In the editing toolbar under „Display more block tools“ arrow


Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.

  • Atr Inline Rtl Ltr A handy tool for mixed Rtl Ltr writing directions. Wrap words (or sentences) in paragraph block with span element and change their direction from rtl to ltr and vice versa. Uses dir='rtl' or dir='ltr' See also <br> Note that the wrapping element is <span dir='rtl' || dir='ltr' class='atr-inline-direction-rtl' || class='atr-inline-direction-ltr'> so you can control it through your site CSS as well. I.E. .atr-inline-direction-rtl{direction: rtl;display:inline-block}


Installing „Atr Inline Rtl Ltr“ can be done either by searching for „Atr Inline Rtl Ltr“ via the „Plugins > Add New“ screen in your WordPress dashboard,
or by using the following steps:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/atr-inline-rtl-ltr directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress

Nejčastější dotazy

Where can I use this plugin?

In the editing toolbar under „Display more block tools“ arrow. You’ll see „Direction Rtl“ and „Direction Ltr“ options.

How do I use this plugin?

Select the text that you want to adjust and click on the appropriate button. For example, if you write English text in Hebrew post, Select the English text and click on „Direction Ltr“ in the editing toolbar under „Display more block tools“ arrow.

What are the effects of this plugin?

The only effect of this plugin is wrapping the selected words (or sentences) in paragraph block with span element with dir=“rtl“ or dir=“ltr“ attribute and class=“atr-inline-direction-rtl“ or class=“atr-inline-direction-ltr“


23. 8. 2023
Made my life so much easier with just one click I aligned RTL within LTR. Thank you very much for this great plugin, made my day!
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