Add Anchor Links


Vytváří odkazy na kotvy do nadpisů v těle vybraných typů přéspěvku, stejně jako Github v rámci souborů.

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  • Vyberte typ příspěvku, kam se odkazy přidají.
  • Nenačítat CSS


  • PHP PHP 7 & PHP 8


  1. Postupujte podle běžného WordPressového postupu.
  2. Při instalaci, přejděte do Nastavení -> Add Anchor Links a vyberte, kdy bude kotva zobrazena.

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How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability..

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Osobně preferuji Github. Odkaz na plugin je zde: GitHub
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Našel jsem chybu a spravil ji. Co s tím?

Publikuje na GitHub anebo — pokud pracujete na klonovaném repozitáři— pošlete mi pull request.


24. 6. 2022
This plugin works well and apparently works as intended. I’m probably missing something, but I don’t understand why it scrolls the header to the top when the icon is clicked, instead of copying the corresponding anchored link (i.e.“pageurl/#header-title)“ to the clipboard. After all, the header already has to be in view in order to click the icon beside the header. If the plugin author would make the above modification and add an automatically fading „copied to clipboard,“ message, the plugin would be ideal, IMHO. ,
10. 6. 2020
Add Anchor Links adds a beautifully designed embedded SVG link icon to the upper left of the headings, hidden by default and showing up when the mouse pointer hovers the heading’s box (extending over the full width). Thanks to Add Anchor Links, authors of posts and pages in any writing system don’t need to manually add IDs and hyperlinks to headings, nor extra CSS rules to remove the standard link style from the headings. Being an SVG coded in-line, the link icon is stable and very lightweight. It is easily copy-pasted along with the heading when the preceding paragraph break and (at least) one character before are included (the latter may be deleted afterwards). Instead of copy-pasting merely the URL, we can send the link in the icon with the heading, e.g. in an HTML email. The link icon’s positioning is also compatible with heading numbers added from CSS counters. Add Anchor Links is compatible with the Easy Table of Contents plugin. The reader doesn’t need to scroll to the TOC any more to pick a heading’s link. TOCs are often missing, at least when the number of headings in a given page doesn’t meet the setting for the TOC to be generated. Add Anchor Links is absolute top quality and a must-have plugin for use on all websites having h2 or lower-level headings. Visitors thankfully appreciate being able to easily cite particular sections in pages, articles and posts. A really easy way to significantly enhance user experience.
16. 3. 2020
Thanks for this! It works exactly as described, adding id values to headings and showing an anchor item. Right-clicking allows users to capture a link to an exact section.
Přečtěte si všech 6 recenzí


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Plugin „Add Anchor Links“ byl přeložen do 2 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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Přehled změn


* Make Kybernaut\AddAnchorLinks::add_anchors( $string ) function available for custom calls


* Fix: Use escaping attribute on admin screens
* Add PHPCS & simple PHPUnit test
* Use Travis CI/CD (PHPCS, PHPUnit)

1.0.2 (2020-01-13)

  • Fix: Opravit pozici odkazu, pokud má nadpis další atributy (PR#1 by @a-mt)

1.0.1 (2018-02-12)

  • Oprava: Několik překlepů v souborech readme.
  • Oprava: Chyba při v post types.
  • Přidáno: Oznámení o nastaveních zobrazených po aktivaci pluginu.
  • Added: Konstanta ADD_ANCHOR_LINKS_DONT_LOAD_CSS (viz Github).
  • Přidáno: Banner a ikona obrázek WP repozitář (od Dušan Konečný).

1.0.0 (2018-02-08)

  • První vydání