Štítek pluginu: Remove Version
Remove WordPress Version
(1 celkové hodnocení)Remove the version from your WordPress website completely and Increase security and prevent from hacks.
Remove WP version and shortlink
(2 celkové hodnocení)Removes WordPress version number , shortlink, wlwmanifest and RSD
Remove WP version everywhere
(0 celkové hodnocení)Removes WordPress version from RSS, posts and pages supports network activation.
No Version Tags
(2 celkové hodnocení)Description: Upon activation, this plugin will automatically eliminate the annoying '?ver=x.x' signs from your perfect code 🙂
WP Version in Query String Modifier
(4 celkové hodnocení)Removes or modifies the version (query string 'ver' parameter) in media resources' url.
Plugin Name: WordPress Remove Version
(0 celkové hodnocení)Wordpress Remove Version securely removes the version
Remove Version Number
(0 celkové hodnocení)A simple plugin that will remove the WordPress version number from all areas of your website.
WP Remove Version Number
(0 celkové hodnocení)License: GPLv2 or later WordPress plugin to remove the version number from the WordPress front end.