Štítek pluginu: backups
MainWP Child – Securely Connects to the MainWP Dashboard to Manage Multiple Sites
(68 celkové hodnocení)MainWP Child establishes a secure link between your WordPress sites and your self-hosted MainWP Dashboard, simplifying site management.
WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin – Migration Backup Restore
(2 377 celkové hodnocení)Backup Restore Migrate Staging Duplicator – 100% unit tested.
(1 370 celkové hodnocení)Simple automated backups of your WordPress-powered website.
WP Umbrella: Update Backup Restore & Monitoring
(59 celkové hodnocení)Everything you need to sell WordPress maintenance and manage multiple sites effortlessly: backup, update, uptime monitoring, and security.
MainWP Dashboard: Správa WordPressu bez SaaS
(2 318 celkové hodnocení)Zjednodušte správu WordPressu pomocí výkonného řídicího panelu s vlastním hostitelem pro aktualizace, zálohy, zabezpečení, sledování nákladů a správu klientů.
CMS Commander – Manage Multiple Sites
(25 celkové hodnocení)CMS Commander helps you to manage multiple WordPress sites much faster from a single powerful dashboard.
Backup Bolt
(9 celkové hodnocení)Super simple one click backup your site and download the backup in compressed zip format. Choose between custom or full WordPress backup.
MP Customizer Backups
(1 celkové hodnocení)Backup the Theme Mods in your Customizer with either a click or by triggering a function.
Green Backup – Backup WordPress, Clone, & Migration Solution (Local, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, etc.)
(2 celkové hodnocení)Secure, reliable, and easy WordPress backups & migrations plugin. Trusted by professionals to safeguard your digital presence with scheduled backu …
Backup WordPress with Nifty Backups
(12 celkové hodnocení)Fully functional free backup plugin for WordPress. Backup and restore your database tables and WordPress files quickly, easily and reliably.
WP Essentials
(1 celkové hodnocení)All-in-one bundle of essential plugins and functions for all WordPress websites.
Bamboo Migration
(3 celkové hodnocení)Easily migrate your Wordpress database from one web address to another.
WP-NERD Toolkit
(0 celkové hodnocení)One-Click-SSL Tool, Add Facebook-Pixel, Add Google Analytics Code, Disable WordPress Emojis and many more.
Textile Tools
(0 celkové hodnocení)With this plugin you can have an interface to IPFS, Libp2p and Filecoin from your Wordpress website using the Textile tools.
(0 celkové hodnocení)WPBackupEssentials is the best plugin to easily backup and quick restore your entire Wordpress website in a few simple clicks!
Backup Master for your website
(0 celkové hodnocení)"Backup Master for your website" plugin will allow to admin to create backup of database and files for wordpress store.