Eezy Recruit pulls open positions from your recruitment platform and renders them via the shortcode „[recruit]“ in a simple beautiful accordion list.
Available APIs:
Hire by Google
Documentation: https://support.google.com/hire/answer/7343009?hl=en -
Documentation: https://developer.personio.de/docs/retrieving-open-job-positions
Go to the Eezy Recruit settings page
Select a Platform
Set the recruitment ID (see documentation & help info)
You can override the text of the 3 table headers (Position/Department/Location) and the button text (Apply now).
Next up
If people are interested in that plugin we can:
a) Create a filter for additional APIs
b) Add a custom recruitment post type
Snímky obrazovky
Activate the plugin and make changes on the Eezy Recruit settings page
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