This plugin is more than just a photo album plugin, it is a complete, highly customizable multimedia content management and display system.
- Any number of albums that contain any type of multimedia file as well as sub albums
- Full control over the display sizes, responsive as well as static
- Full control over links from any type of image
- Full control over metadata: exif, iptc can be used by keywords in item descriptions
- Up to 10 custom defined meta data fields, for albums and for media items
- Front-end uploads
- Bulk imports
- Built-in lightbox overlay system
- Built-in Google Maps to display maps based on the photo gpx exif data
- Built-in search functions on a.o. keywords and tags
- A customizable rating system
- Commenting system
- Moderate user uploads and comments
- Configurable email notification system
- 20 widgets a.o. upload, slideshow, photo of the day, top rated and commented items and many more
- Supports Cloudinary cloud storage service
- Supports Fotomoto print service
- Required maintenace is fully executed by background processes (cron jobs)
- Extended error/event logging system
- Extended documentation site: https://wppa.nl/
Plugin Admin Features:
Administrační sekci pluginu naleznete v nabídce Fotoalba na administrátorské obrazovce.
- Albums: Create and manage Albums.
- Upload: To upload photos to an album you created.
- Import: To bulk import items to an album that are previously been ftp’d.
- Moderate: Change status of pending
- Export: To export albums
- Nastavení: Definice rozličných nastavení pro přizpůsobení vašim potřebám.
- photo of the day widget settings
- Help & Info: Credits and link to the documentation site
- Dutch translation by OpaJaap himself (Opa Jaap’s Weblog)
- Slovak translation by Branco Radenovich (WebHostingGeeks.com)
- Polish translation by Maciej Matysiak
- Ukranian translation by Michael Yunat (http://getvoip.com)
- Italian translation by Giacomo Mazzullo (http://gidibao.net & http://charmingpress.com)
- German translation by Stefan Eggers
- Portuguese translation by Eric Sornoso (https://Mealfan.com)
Privacy Policy
- When you leave a comment on a photo or other media item on this site, we send your name, email address, IP address and comment text to the server.
- When you enter a rating on a photo or other media item on this site, we send your (login)name or IP address and your rating to the server.
- When you upload a photo or other media item on this site, we send your name to the server.
- If the photo contains EXIF or IPTC data, this data may – dependant of the configuration – be saved on the server.
- If the photo contains GPX location data, this data will be saved on the server.
- If visit the site, the pages you visit, the photos you watch and your IP address will be saved on the server for statistical purposes in your session information. This information will be anonimized after one hour and removed after 24 hours.
O nás & kredity
- WP Photo Album Plus je rozšířeno o mnohé nové funkce a za jeho vývoj a údržbu vděčíme J.N. Breetveltovi, ( http://www.opajaap.nl/ ) alias OpaJaap
- Díky R.J. Kaplanovi za WP Photo Album 1.5.1, základ tohoto pluginu.
WP Photo album je uvolněno pod GNU GPL licencí.
( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html )
Snímky obrazovky
Tento plugin poskytuje 5 bloků.
- WPPA+ photo
- WPPA Upload
- WPPA potd
- WPPA general
- WPPA slideshow
- Standard from the plugins page
- Šablona tématu by měla obsahovat volání funkce wp_head() v souboru header.php a funkce wp_footer() v souboru footer.php.
- Pokud je fronta skriptů načítána bez přepínače $in_footer, měla by ji šablona tématu načítat v záhlaví, (např. wppa.js a jQuery).
- Šablona tématu nesmí pluginu bránit v natažení knihovny jQuery ve výchozím stavu, tj. knihovna jQuery v bezpečném módu (využívá jQuery() a nikoli $())
- The theme should not use remove_action() or remove_all_actions() when it affects actions added by wppa+.
Most themes comply with these requirements.
However, check these requirements in case of problems with new installations with themes you never had used before with wppa+ or when you modified your theme. - Server by měl disponovat minimálně 64MB operační paměti.
Nejčastější dotazy
Co musím udělat při konverzi na síť webů?
Which other plugins do you recommend to use with WPPA+, and which not?
- Recommended plugins: qTranslate, Comet Cache, Cube Points, Simple Cart & Buy Now.
- Pluginy, které způsobují ve WPPA+ problémy: My Live Signature.
- Pokud je v konfiguraci pluginu Google Analytics pro WordPress nastaveno Track outbound clicks & downloads:, nebudou řádně fungovat prezentace.
Které šablony (motivy) mají problémy s wppa +?
- Photocrati je při použití šablon stránek s postranním panelem v konfliktu s Lightboxem vloženým do wppa.
Existují zvláštní požadavky na responzivní (mobilní) šablony?
- No, WPPA+ is responsive by default
Po aktualizaci nefunguje všechno jak má
- After an update, always clear your browser cache (CTRL+F5) and clear your temp internetfiles, this will ensure the new versions of js files will be loaded.
- And – most important – if you use a server side caching program (like W3 Total Cache) clear its cache.
- Ujistěte se, že vámi používaný minimalizační plugin (např. WP Total Cache) byl také resetován, aby mohly být použity nejnovější verze souborů.
- Visit the Photo Albums -> Settings page -> Table VIII-A1 and press Do it!
- When upload fails after an upgrade, one or more columns may be added to one of the db tables. In rare cases this may have been failed.
Unfortunately this is hard to determine.
If this happens, make sure (ask your hosting provider) that you have all the rights to modify db tables and run action Table VII-A1 again.
Jak pracuje vyhledávací widget?
- See the documentation on the WPPA+ Docs & Demos site: https://wppa.nl/docs-by-subject/search/regular-search/
Jak mohu tento plugin přeložit do svého jazyka?
- See the translators handbook: https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/
- Here is the polyglot page for this plugin: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-photo-album-plus
Jak nainstaluji hotfix?
- See the documentation on the WPPA+ Docs & Demos site: https://wppa.nl/docs-by-subject/development-version/
WP Photo Album Plus je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „WP Photo Album Plus“ byl přeložen do 14 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
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Přehled změn
See for the full changelog: The documentation website