WP Open Street Map


Create easily maps with OpenStreetMap. Here some examples

A Pro version with more options is available: https://www.info-d-74.com/en/produit/wp-openstreetmap-pro-plugin-wordpress/


  1. Nahrajte soubory pluginů do adresáře /wp-content/plugins/ nebo si plugin nainstalujte přímo přes obrazovku pluginů WordPress.

  2. Aktivujte plugin prostřednictvím obrazovky „Pluginy“ ve WordPressu

  3. Přejít na WP OSM mapy


3. 9. 2023 1 odpověď
Pros: Works well. Chooose a map and scroll in to location. Copy a shortcode, place it. Now it shows your map. Works with newer versions of WP.Cons: What about markers? What about documentation?
17. 7. 2023 1 odpověď
Not sure how to have a business or place selected as an option. The idea being that visitors can then instantly view details similar to google maps. Currently, just show the place and that’s it. Works fine for basics.
27. 6. 2023 1 odpověď
Some documentation would help. I almost uninstalled because I couldn’t find where to put the pins.
23. 2. 2023
Dear Developer, I am planning to use this plugin because it’s easy to use and modify. The free extension seems to be enough for my needs. I noticed that there is a daily limit to add new markers to the map, which is fine for me. However, I have a question: is there a maximum limit to the number of markers I can add all together to one map?Thanks!
Přečtěte si všech 8 recenzí


WP Open Street Map je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „WP Open Street Map“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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