WP Change Email Sender


This plugin enable you to change mail sender name and email address from WordPress default mail sender name and email.
After install go to Settings->General.

Plugin Features

  • Change WordPress default mail sender name.
  • Change WordPress default mail sender email address.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Plugin Options
  • Mail Example



Installing this plugin is very easy just like any other WordPress plugin. Please follow these instructions:
1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for „WP Change Email Sender“ and click on „Install Now“
2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the wp-change-email-sender.zip to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
3. Activate the plugin from plugins page.

To change default mail sender name and email address go to Settings->General or this plugin settings link from plugins page beside deactive link.

Nejčastější dotazy

Where is the options to change mail sender name email?

Go to general settings page from WP admin panel left sidebar menu: Settings->General.

Can I change only sender name or email individually?

Yes, you can change only mail sender name and email individually.


6. 1. 2024 1 odpověď
This is good, it is working fine. Unfortunately, application results in a CS7 warning message, warning that I have opened up CS7 to easy spamming. Now just waiting to see how that pans out in practice.
Přečtěte si všech 6 recenzí


WP Change Email Sender je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „WP Change Email Sender“ byl přeložen do 5 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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Přehled změn


  • Few security update.
  • Checked with latest version of WordPress.