With WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities you can easily create rules that restrict the amount of products a user can buy at once. Set Minimum, Maximum and Step values for any product type and must be valid before a customer can proceed to checkout.
New Features
- Added Custom Quantity Message Option
- Added Out of Stock Min/Max
- Added Role Support, create rules based on user roles.
- Improved performance / cacheing
- Improved admin interface
- Allows rules to have a minimum of 0
- Get started in minutes
- Set a Minimum product quantity requirement
- Set a Maximum product quantity requirement
- Sell products by a desired increment ie. by two’s or the dozen
- Create product category based rules
- WooCommerce Validation rules tells users what rules they’ve broken directly on the cart or product page
- Set rule priority to layer multiple rules on top of each other
- Add your rule based input boxes to products thumbnails using WooCommerce Thumbnail Input Quantities
- Easily override rules on a per-product basis
- Integrates with WooCommerce’s Product CSV Import Suite
- See which rule is being applied to an individual product on your edit product page
- Now fully supports ALL PRODUCT TYPES, simple, variable, grouped and affiliate
- Create Site Wide rules that apply to every product unless overwritten on a per-product basis
- Create rules by Product Tags (opposed to just categories)
- Woocommerce +2.0 compatible
Snímky obrazovky
Automatic WordPress Installation
- Log-in to your WordPress Site
- Under the plugin sidebar tab, click ‘Add New’
- Search for ‘WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities
- Install and Activate the Plugin
- Set Rules for categories by clicking the new ‘Quantity Rules’ sidebar option or assign per-product rules by using the new metabox on your product page.
Manual Installation
- Download the latest version of the plugin from WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities WordPress page.
- Uncompress the file
- Upload the uncompressed directory to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ via FTP
- Active the plugin from your WordPress backend ‘Plugins -> Installed Plugins’
- Set Rules for categories by clicking the new ‘Quantity Rules’ sidebar option or assign per-product rules by using the new metabox on your product page.
Nejčastější dotazy
- Installation Instructions
Automatic WordPress Installation
- Log-in to your WordPress Site
- Under the plugin sidebar tab, click ‘Add New’
- Search for ‘WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities
- Install and Activate the Plugin
- Set Rules for categories by clicking the new ‘Quantity Rules’ sidebar option or assign per-product rules by using the new metabox on your product page.
Manual Installation
- Download the latest version of the plugin from WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities WordPress page.
- Uncompress the file
- Upload the uncompressed directory to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ via FTP
- Active the plugin from your WordPress backend ‘Plugins -> Installed Plugins’
- Set Rules for categories by clicking the new ‘Quantity Rules’ sidebar option or assign per-product rules by using the new metabox on your product page.
WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Hides message when no quantity rule is being applied.
- Minor bug fix, couldn’t unset max out of stock value
- Upgrade fix, removed error for unset value
- Added Quantity Message Options
- Added Out of Stock min/max values
- Fixed 0 quantity appearing as 1 bug
- Minor class tweaks
- Default user role bug fix.
- Product Page UI Update
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added Role Support, create rules based on user roles.
- Improved performance / cacheing
- Improved admin interface
- Allows rules to have a minimum of 0
- Updated name from WooCommerce Incremental Product Quantities to WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities
- Now fully supports ALL PRODUCT TYPES, simple, variable, grouped and affiliate
- Create Site Wide rules that apply to every product unless overwritten on a per-product basis
- Create rules by Product Tags (opposed to just categories)
- Code reconfiguration puts everything into classes, the way it should be.
- Added back WC 2.0.x validation compatibility.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Undefined variable bug fix.
- Fixed bug that was unsetting rule checkboxes.
- Updated plugin to work with WC 2.1.2 and below.
- New error response methods.
- Update validations.
- Updated comments.
- Added extra help text.
- Fixed division by zero error in validations.
- Contributor consolidation.
- Fixed cart bug, added additional validation so users can’t enter minimum values that are less then the step value.
- Fixed additional bug related to missing input values and error messages on some installs. Also updated notice window.
- Style sheet and link update.
- Added potential solution for niche validation problem.
- Readme.txt updates.
- Another small url change.
- Minor variable updates to account for changing directory.
- Initial Commit