If you have one of the brand plugins running, think of this as a way to show products on the page that are tied to that brand.
After activation, insert the shortcode [wc_by_brands brands=“puma,nike“ limit=“8″] The containers have default woocommerce classes, and will integrate the same woocommerce styling.
This plugin was created because of some woocommerce stores that were already running a brands plugin of some kind, but there wasn’t shortcode to display products tied to that brand. It was either go through the products and give all of them a tag, or setup this plugin to do that work for us.
- Upload or install wc-brand-list.zip
- Activate the plugin
- Insert shortcode [wc_by_brands brands=“puma“ limit=“4″]
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
WC Products by Brands je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Initial Revision
- Added limit for shortcode