Product Feed for Pinterest Product Catalogs


Automatically pin your products on your WooCommerce site to Pinterest.

WooCommerce product RSS Feed for ‚Pinterest Product Catalogs‘. Automatically pin the products on your website by posting information such as photo, price, stock status, product description in your pinterest account.

Does not contain your blog posts! It feeds only your products.

for example:

All products:

Category specific feeds:

Product Items by:

  • id
  • title
  • description (short description)
  • link
  • image_link (product first image)
  • availability (in stock, out of stock, preorder)
  • condition (default ‚new‘)
  • sale price
  • price
  • product_type (category hierarchy)

Thus, you earn customer through pinterest and increase your potential sales channel.

The RSS feed has been developed with tags recommended by Pinterest.

It is mandatory to have WooCommerce in your WordPress structure.
You do not need to install an additional RSS plugin on your site.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Pinterest mobile pin screen
  • Pinterest RSS screen
  • RSS Feed XML print screen


  1. Upload the „Product Feed for Pinterest Product Catalogs“ plugin to your website
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Go To „settings“ and there you will find all you need under „Product Feed for Pinterest Product Catalogs“ plugin options.
  4. Good Luck

Nejčastější dotazy

How do I fix the „Error 107“ error?

You will get this error if the short description field is blank.

Can I use the product long description?

Yes you can use. It is necessary to update line 158. Please check the link:


25. 9. 2021
pinterest error : rsS feed cannot be parsed it seems that pinterest has changed the xml format but the plugin is not up to date. does anyone have the same problem?
24. 3. 2021 1 odpověď
Thank you for the great plugin. It is working very well.
Přečtěte si všechny 4 recenze


Product Feed for Pinterest Product Catalogs je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn


* Updated: PHP 7.2.14+ compatibility
* Updated: WordPress 6.6+ compatibility
* Updated: Code optimization and strict type declarations
* Updated: Better error handling and XML output buffering
* Fixed: Security improvements for XML generation


* Added: Category specific feed URLs
* Added: Custom post limit per page parameter (ppcf_posts_per_page)
* Fixed: HTML tags in product descriptions
* Fixed: XML output buffering issues


2021-01-16 errors have been fixed.

* errors have been fixed.
* ‚sale price‘ field has been added.

2020-08-20 errors have been fixed.

2020-08-15 product type update.

2020-07-11 first launch.