If you’ve built your online store with WooCommerce and you’re using Danea Easyfatt as management software, you definitely need WooCommerce Importer for Danea.
You’ll be able to import client and suppliers width this free version, also products and orders with the premium one.
Danea Easyfatt certified
- Import customers
- Customers and suppliers import now supports the fiscal fields coming from the Exporter plugin.
- (Premium) Avoid product name update with a dedicated option
- (Premium) Avoid product URL update with a dedicated option
- (Premium) Import Producer from Danea and add it to the product as attribute
- (Premium) Option for showing the Producer in front-end or not
- (Premium) Import Danea custom fields and add them to the product as attributes
- (Premium) Add a name to the custom fields coming from Danea
- (Premium) Option for showing the custom fields in front-end or not
Snímky obrazovky
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit ‚Plugins > Add New‘
- Search for ‚WooCommerce Importer for Danea‘ and download it.
- Activate WooCommerce Importer for Danea from your Plugins page.
- Once Activated, go to WooCommerce/ WooCommerce Importer for Danea.
From WordPress.org
- Download WooCommerce Importer for Danea
- Upload the ‚woocommerce-importer-for-danea‘ directory to your ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate WooCommerce Importer for Danea from your Plugins page.
- Once Activated, go to WooCommerce/ WC Importer for Danea.
WooCommerce Importer for Danea je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „WooCommerce Importer for Danea“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “WooCommerce Importer for Danea” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
Release Date: 18 September 2023
- Enhancement: (Premium) Progress bar on products import
- Enhancement: WordPress translation system
- Update: (Premium) Action Scheduler
- Update: (Premium) Plugin Update Checker
- Update: (Premium) ilGhera admin notice
- Update: Translations
- Bug fix: Unencoded characters in plugin’s options page
- Bug fix: (Premium) Unencoded characters in Danea’s error message
- Bug fix: (Premium) New products attributes not created during the import
Release Date: 1 August 2023
- Enhancement: (Premium) Danea Notes field as short product description
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import Danea custom fields as product tags
- Enhancement: (Premium) Split Danea custom fields values by commas and create tags/attributes
- Enhancement: (Premium) Option append tags on importing Danea custom fields
- Enhancement: Better user interface
- Enhancement: WordPress Coding Standard
- Enhancement: (Premium) More details in log file in case of products/variations not imported/updated
- Update: (Premium) Action Scheduler
- Update: (Premium) Plugin Update Checker
- Update: Translations
- Bug fix: (Premium) Custom label not assigned to Danea custom fields imported
Release Date: 16 March 2023
- Update: (Premium) Action Scheduler
- Update: (Premium) Plugin Update Checker
- Update: (Premium) License notice
- Bug fix: Error importing users by CSV file with contents in multiple lines
Release Date: 7 October 2021
- Enhancement: Replace all WooCommerce products in case of full update coming from Danea Easyfatt
- Enhancement: Danea „Notes“ fied content can now be used in place of „HTML description“ if missing
- Bug fix: Special characters not allowed in product title.
Release Date: 5 March 2021
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import and display in front-end the supplier name
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import and display in front-end the supplier product code
- Bug fix: (Premium) Import variable products with no sku via CSV
- Bug fix: (Premium) No update of variations based on custom attributes previously imported via CSV
Release Date: 10 February 2021
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude new products import if not in stock
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude variations prices from products update
Release Date: 19 April 2020
- Enhancement: (Premium) Action Scheduler library is now used to synchronize products
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude product URL from updates
Release Date: 05 February 2020
- Enhancement: Import customers
- Enhancement: Customers and suppliers import now supports the fiscal fields coming from the Exporter plugin.
- Enhancement: New product sub-menu for a better navigation
- Enhancement: (Premium) Avoid product name update with a dedicated option
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import Producer from Danea and add it to the product as attribute
- Enhancement: (Premium) Option for showing the Producer in front-end or not
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import Danea custom fields and add them to the product as attributes
- Enhancement: (Premium) Add a name to the custom fields coming from Danea
- Enhancement: (Premium) Option for showing the custom fields in front-end or not
Release Date: 24 January, 2018
- Enhancement: Update users imported if already present.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Danea tax classes imported during synchronization.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Choose which Danea menu list use for the WooCommerce regular price, and a second one for the sell price.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import product weight and dimension from Danea, gross or net.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Use part of the Danea product description for the short description in WooCommerce.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude product description in update synchronizations.
- Enhancement: (Premium) New products imported can now be published directly.
- Enhancement: (Premium) New plugin update checker.
- Bug fix: PHP Notices
Release Date: 11 April, 2016
- Enhancement: Shop manager can now handle the plugin options.
- Enhancement: Better tabs navigation.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Now you can import/ update products directly from Danea (Ctrl+P)
- Enhancement: (Premium) Danea sizes and colors now are imported as WooCommerce variations.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Choose if import also product images.
- Enhancement: (Premium) WooCommerce variations previously exported, now are imported correctly linked to the parent product.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Now are imported also the subcategories.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Using the supplier as post author is now an option.
Release Date: 06 November, 2016
- Enhancement: If the Company field is presents, the name will be moved to referent.
- Enhancement: Added the Shipping address.
- Enhancement: Fiscal code and P.IVA fields are now recognized by checking the specific plugin installed.
Release Date: 10 October, 2016
- First release