Tento plugin byl uzavřen, a je od 7. 1. 2025 nedostupný. Není již k dispozici ke stažení. Toto uzavření je dočasné. Čeká se na kompletní přezkum.
19. 3. 2019
I have been trying for a week to submit a Support request (for a paid plugin) form on the Themebon website and it won’t go through. So, then I submitted multiple forms using the Contact form on the Themebon website and have received no response. This plugin is not displaying as the demo shows and I was trying to get support that I paid for to find out why and have now missed my window to request a refund. Not that I think I would be able to get a response confirming they will issue one.
20. 12. 2017
The most beautiful and complete features for image hover effects. Keep the good and awesome work.
17. 12. 2017
just installed the plugin, very easy to use, done without any issues.
Thanks Author
Ultimate Image Hover Effects je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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