After testing all of the AJAX plugins in the WordPress repository, I got frustrated. They’re all great, but it seems that they’re like 90% complete. They still need polishing. This is why I decided to create this plugin
How is this plugin different:
- Three different templates to choose from: Modal login form, Classic login form and popup login form (jQuery UI based)
- 24 themes to choose from (jQuery UI based)
- Fully customizable: Just copy the template you’re using from /templates/ directory in the plugin to the „ultimate_ajax_login“ directory in your theme, and modify as you need to.
- After a user is logged in, nothing shows up. I found this pretty frustrating with other plugins, there was no way to hide things.
- If you need to show anything after a user logs in, just copy the template widget-logged-in.php to your ultimate_ajax_login folder and add whatever you need. You can call any WP function from there.
- Has three templates, one an AJAX-based classic login form, and the other is a jQuery UI dialog box (Tested and works on mobile), and the third one is a popmodal dialog box
- Blocks the login form whenever a user is being logged in.
- Allows you to specify a global login redirect URL in your settings page, which applies to all of your widgets.
- Login redirect URL can be overridden on a per-widget basis from the widget options page.
Shortcode Usage
Instead of using the widget, you can insert the shortcode inside any post. If you’re a theme developer, you can use it with the do_shortcode() function. Here are the varius option
- Using with classic template and no redirect url specified: [ultimate_ajax_login]
- Using the dialog box template: [ultimate_ajax_login template=’dialog‘]
- Using the dialog box template and a jquery theme: [ultimate_ajax_login template=’dialog‘ theme=’cupertino‘]
Snímky obrazovky
- Install the plugin as usual
- Go to Settings -> Ultimate AJAX Login and customize like you wish
- Go to Appearance -> Widgets, add your widget and select the template you want to use
Nejčastější dotazy
- My widget does not show up
Make sure you are logged out of the site. It will not display anything by default. You can always display a message for logged in users by copying the widget-logged-in.php file from /ultimate-ajax-login/templates to a directory called ultimate_ajax_login in your active theme. Create the directory if it does not exist
- How do I change the jQuery UI styling in dialog box?
Just copy the template widget-dialog.php to ultimate_ajax_login/widget-dialog.php in your active theme directory , and change the CSS link on the top of the file to point to the style you want
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Ultimate AJAX Login je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Added settings to allow further customizations of plugin (Custom error message, Custom text in login form…)
- Added a new modal layout
- Initial push to wordpress repository