Most helpful links
- Spectra – Free WordPress Page Builder | WordPress Builder Plugin
- A Better Way to Build WordPress Websites with Gutenberg | Introducing Spectra
- Spectra Flexbox Controls CRASH COURSE
- Spectra Page Builder For WordPress Gets These 10 Things Right – Never Seen Before Feature Reveal!
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Our mission is to empower web designers like you with an end-to-end solution for building stunning websites.
We aim to simplify the website creation process by providing a versatile toolkit within a single plugin, eliminating the need to install multiple plugins for various functionalities.
With Spectra, we strive to make it extremely easy to use for beginners and feature-rich for experienced designers.
Spectra equips designers with a wide range of pre-designed templates, allowing them to effortlessly create professional websites tailored to their unique requirements.
Beyond just aesthetics, we are committed to optimizing website performance. Spectra offers efficient code and performance-focused features, ensuring that the websites built with our plugin are not only visually appealing but also deliver exceptional speed and smooth functionality.
By providing an all-in-one solution for building websites, we aim to streamline their workflow and enhance their productivity. We continuously innovate and improve Spectra, integrating cutting-edge technologies and staying ahead of the evolving web design landscape. We empower our users to build websites that captivate, engage, and impress their clients or themselves.
Finally, a website builder which allows you to design beautiful and professional-looking websites using the power of the default block editor of WordPress.
With utmost attention, the developers have ensured that Spectra is easy to use and provides everything you need to design a fully functional website.
Guess what! 🤩
Users of page builders like Elementor and Beaver Builder absolutely LOVE Spectra because of 3 reasons –
- The code of Spectra is extremely optimized for performance and speed
- Spectra designs and features make you look like an expert web designer
- There’s zero learning curve as Spectra works on top of the default WordPress block editor.
Introducing Spectra – the ultimate solution to revolutionize your web design experience.
S aplikací Spectra můžete editor bloků rozšířit o pokročilé a výkonné bloky, které celý proces zjednodušují. Rozlučte se s obtížným kódováním a přivítejte tvorbu webových stránek bez námahy.
Spectra poskytuje širokou škálu jedinečných a kreativních bloků do výchozího editoru stránek WordPress, které vám umožní vytvářet a navrhovat stránky nebo příspěvky, aniž byste museli napsat jediný řádek kódu.
Nabízí snadno použitelné rozhraní, možnosti přizpůsobení a knihovnu předpřipravených startovacích šablon, které vám pomohou vytvořit úžasné webové stránky během několika minut.
Ať už potřebujete spustit internetový obchod nebo propagovat své služby, Spectra vám umožní vytvořit dokonalé webové stránky, které zaujmou vaše publikum.
Nenechte se zdržovat složitým kódováním – odhalte potenciál blokového editoru s aplikací Spectra a vytvářejte rychlejší a výkonnější webové stránky ještě dnes!
- Layouts – Easily move, resize, and hide different sections, rows, columns, and blocks using convenient layout navigation to make your page designing process faster.
- Designs powered by Starter Templates – Get access to a wide range of predesigned websites, pages, and blocks that can be imported and customized to suit your needs. Spectra offers hundreds of designs to choose from.
- Wireframes – Before diving into the design process, it’s crucial to create a structure for your website. With Spectra’s Wireframe Blocks, you can quickly create page or website mockups, improving work efficiency and saving time.
- Block patterns – Import and customize pre-designed block patterns for various sections on your website. Spectra provides a collection of these patterns that can be easily tailored to your preferences.
- Advanced block presets – Not sure how to design blocks optimally? No worries! Our team of expert designers has created highly converting and visually appealing presets for you to use.
- Spectra Copy Paste – If you’ve customized a block with specific fonts, colors, spacings, borders, shadows, and animations, you can effortlessly replicate the same design on another block using Spectra Copy Paste feature.
- Container – Create stunning layouts using the Container block, powered by flexbox technology.
- Global styling support – Spectra allows you to set the default content width for your website with just a single click. You can also inherit button styles from your theme, maintain consistent container padding throughout your site, and set a default gap between rows and columns.
- Popup Builder – Grab your audience’s attention or share important notices by designing beautiful popups using our intuitive popup builder.
- Coming soon mode – Is your website still under construction? Not ready for public viewing yet? Enable the coming soon mode, and only the selected page will be visible to those not logged in.
- Animations – Add a touch of life and interactivity to your website with Spectra’s wide range of animations. Choose from fade, slide, zoom, flip, zoom in, zoom out, and more. Free users have access to a selection of animations that can be easily applied to any block.
- Load Google Fonts locally – Optimize your website’s speed and ensure GDPR compliance by enabling this option to download and save Google fonts on your server.
OBSAHUJE více než 30 základních bloků 🔥
- Core Blocks – Spectra offers essential blocks that every website and landing page needs. You’ll find blocks like Container, Heading, Image, Icon, Buttons, Info Box, Call To Action, and Countdown, which are crucial for crafting your pages.
- Creative Blocks – Unleash your creativity with Spectra’s creative blocks. These include Star Ratings, Countdown, Marketing Button, Icon List, Image Gallery, and even support for Lottie Animations. Let your imagination run wild and make your designs truly stand out.
- Content Blocks – Showcase your content beautifully with Spectra’s content blocks. From Sliders and Image blocks to Content Timelines, Google Maps, Inline Notices, Tabs, Taxonomy Lists, Price Lists, and more, these blocks offer diverse options to present your content in an engaging manner. And if you’re using Spectra Pro, you’ll even have access to the powerful Loop Builder.
- Post Blocks – Enhance your blog posts with Spectra’s Post Blocks. Add a Counter, Modal Popup, Post Carousel, Post Grid, or Post Timeline to make your blog visually appealing and user-friendly.
- Social Blocks – Spectra provides blocks that help you showcase your social status. You’ll find blocks like Instagram Feed, Blockquote, Social Share, Team, and Testimonials, which allow you to highlight social proof and engage with your audience effectively.
- Form Blocks – Create interactive forms easily with Spectra’s Form Blocks. Whether it’s a contact form, newsletter signup, or suggestion form, you can collect valuable leads. You can even enable reCAPTCHA to ensure form security. With Spectra Pro, you can even enable user registration or login forms.
- SEO Blocks – Boost your website’s search engine optimization with Spectra’s SEO Blocks. These blocks, such as FAQ, How-To, Review, and Table of Contents, are designed to improve your site’s visibility and enhance the user experience.
- Dynamic Content – Take control of your website’s archive feed with Spectra’s Dynamic Content blocks. You can customize the feed based on dynamic parameters like date, name, category, page, posts, and more, giving you flexibility and customization options.
- Web designers – Want to enhance your website-building process without getting stuck in coding? Spectra’s got your back! With its advanced blocks, you can create stunning layouts and customize elements like a pro, all without writing a single line of code.
- Small business owners – Building a professional website for your business just got easier with Spectra. Choose from the pre-built Starter Templates and customize them to match your branding and content. Say goodbye to costly web development and hello to a beautiful online presence.
- Bloggers – Spice up your blog posts with Spectra’s eye-catching elements. Add images, engaging call-to-actions, content timelines, and social sharing blocks to make your content pop. It’s time to captivate your readers and take your blog to the next level.
- SEO Specialists – Spectra has schema markup blocks like FAQ, How-To, Review, and Table of Content to boost your website rankings and improve search engine representation. Plus, its lightweight and optimized code ensures your site performs at its best. Get ready to conquer the search results!
- eCommerce store owners – Spectra helps you create visually stunning product listings, showcase star ratings and reviews, and display pricing information that will make your customers click that „buy“ button. Get ready to take your online store to new heights.
- Marketers – Spectra is your secret weapon for creating effective landing pages and promotional materials. Use attention-grabbing blocks like call-to-actions, marketing buttons, and testimonials to drive conversions and engage your target audience. Your campaigns just got a whole lot better.
- Freelancers – We’ve got something special for you! Streamline your workflow and save time with Spectra. Quickly build websites for your clients using the pre-built Starter Templates and customize them to meet their requirements. It’s the ultimate toolkit for freelancers.
- Podcasters and YouTubers – With Spectra, you can enhance your website or blog with ease. Add a podcast player, embed videos, showcase a content timeline, and create engaging content using the various blocks offered. Let your creativity flow and captivate your audience.
- Non-profit organizations – Create visually appealing websites to showcase your cause, share inspiring success stories, and collect donations. Spectra’s image blocks, forms, testimonials, and social sharing options will help you engage your audience and promote your mission effectively.
- Restaurant owners – Spectra’s ready-to-use Starter Templates cater specifically to restaurants. Show off your menus, feature customer testimonials, and even integrate a reservation form using the forms block. It’s the secret ingredient to a mouth-watering online presence.
- Beginner WordPress users – Spectra’s user-friendly interface, pre-designed Starter Templates, and comprehensive tutorials make website creation a breeze. No coding skills are needed! You can create professional-looking websites and amaze everyone with your online presence.
Spectra funguje s jakoukoli šablonou, včetně:
- Spectra One
- Astra
- Blocksy
- Flatsome
- GeneratePress
- Hestia
- Kadence
- Neve
Spectra je kompatibilní se všemi pluginy, včetně:
- Easy Digital Downloads
- FluentCRM
- FluentForm
- GiveWP
- Gravity Forms
- LearnDash
- LifterLMS
- MemberPress
- PrestoPlayer
- Restrict Content Pro
- SureCart
- SureMembers
- The Events Calendar
- TutorLMS
- Wishlist Member
- WooCommerce
- Yoast SEO
- And many more
Chápeme potřebu kvalitního produktu podpořeného specializovanou podporou, která se stará. Jsme tu, abychom naslouchali všem vašim dotazům a pomohli vám co nejlépe využít náš plugin.
Need help? We are just a click away!
- Facebook Group: WordPress Web Creators by Astra
- Facebook: Spectra
- Twitter / X: Spectra
Chcete přispět do pluginu? 🙋
You may now contribute to the plugin on Github: Spectra on Github
Our external packages use Rating Star Component that are distributed under the terms of the ISC. While Slick, Lottie and Striptags is distributed under the terms of the MIT. Additionally, we incorporate FontAwesome v6 under the CC BY 4.0 License, and dnd kit licensed under the MIT License.
Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.
- Spectra AI
Nainstalujte Spectru buď prostřednictvím adresáře pluginů WordPress nebo nahráním souborů na váš server do wp-content/plugins.
Více informací najdete v našem článku Začínáme.
Další informace naleznete v naší Znalostní databázi. .
Nejčastější dotazy
Kdo by měl použít Spectru?
Spectra je kompletní balíček jedinečných a kreativních bloků, které pomáhají vytvářet krásné stránky a příspěvky na webu. Proto je jistě přínosem pro všechny, kteří Gutenberg milují.
Jaké jsou požadavky pro použití Spectry?
Pro začátek stačí mít na svém webu nejnovější verzi WordPressu. Spectra je v podstatě doplněk pro výchozí editor WordPress. Pro začátek by tedy měla stačit nejnovější instalace WordPress spolu s šablonou.
S jakými šablonami Spectra funguje?
Spectra je navržena tak, aby skvěle fungovala se všemi šablonami. Ale Astra je mezi prvními, které jsou připraveny na Gutenberg, doporučujeme vám vyzkoušet Astru, protože je lehká, rychlá, jednoduchá a nabízí spoustu možností.
Mohu používat Spectru, i když mám jiného tvůrce stránek?
Základní potřebou Spectry je nejnovější verze WordPressu. Udělali jsme ji také kompatibilní se všemi hlavními tvůrci stránek, a proto nebude překážet v jejich práci. Pokud byste potřebovali pomoc, můžete nás kontaktovat.
Mohu použít Spectru na webech klientů?
Ano! Spectru jistě můžete použít na svých i klientských webech.
Zpomalí Spectra můj web?
Určitě ne! Spectra je postavena s ohledem na snadnost použití a výkon. Díky architektuře modulů a čistému kódu je lehký a rychlý. Proto nijak neovlivní rychlost a výkon vašeho webu.
Co dalšího můžu dělat se Spectrou?
Když použijete Spectru spolu s bezplatnou šablonou Astra, získáte obrovskou knihovnu startovacích stránek připravených k použití, které lze importovat a použít k vytvoření vlastních. Přečtěte si článek o Startovacích webech s Gutenbergem a dozvíte se více.
Spectra – WordPress Gutenberg Blocks je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Spectra – WordPress Gutenberg Blocks“ byl přeložen do 15 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
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Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
2.18.2 – Monday, 20th January 2025
- Fix: Info Box – Resolved an issue wherein the button would take full width with gutenberg activated.
- Fix: Info Box – Resolved an issue wherein the image padding is not supported in RTL mode.
- Fix: Icon – Resolved an issue wherein the responsive condition and z-index would not work as intended.
- Fix: Lottie – Resolved an issue where Lottie animations could not be replaced.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein assets would not load for single page templates when using FSE themes.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein styles would not be reflected when converting any block to a Template Part in Full Site Editing theme templates.
2.18.1 – Wednesday, 8th January 2025
- Improvement: Global – Added responsive support for gradient background settings.
- Fix: Image Gallery – Removed the automatic maximum limit for galleries with less than 8 images.
- Fix: Tabs – Resolved an issue wherein the tabs in vertical layouts were only clickable on the title.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein the translated setting panels in some Spectra blocks would cause some Spectra Pro features in those blocks to not work as expected.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue causing a php error for str_replace() for font loading.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein the self-hosted Google Fonts would not work as intended on the multisite’s first sub-site setup.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue in which some static and dynamic javascript strings were not translatable.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue where migration buttons were not clickable, preventing the migration process from running as expected.
2.18.0 – Wednesday, 11th December 2024
- Improvement: Table Of Contents – Added a setting to enable collapsible list items.
- Improvement: AI Assistant – Updated the AI Assistant to be aware of the saved page content.
- Fix: Info Box – Resolved an issue wherein the overall alignment is not supported in RTL mode.
- Fix: Image Gallery – Resolved an issue wherein the „Tiled“ layout would not allow 2 or 3 columns.
- Fix: Taxonomy List – Resolved an issue wherein plural forms would be incorrectly translated.
- Fix: FSE – Corrected the query parameter in
function to properly handle template parts using theslug__in
argument. - Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein the custom CSS would get special characters converted to unicode.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue that would sometimes show a PHP warning for the font loader.
2.17.0 – Monday, 25th November 2024
- Feature: Added a free image search to the image media pickers.
- Improvement: Instagram – Switched the Spectra Pro Instagram account linking to use business accounts.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein re-activating Spectra would always redirect to the Spectra dashboard.
- Fix: Global – Resolved an issue wherein the editor strings would not be translatable.
- Fix: Global – Corrected the translation loading timing to ensure translations load at the proper point in time.
2.16.5 – Friday, 15th November 2024
- This update addressed a security bug. Props to zer0gh0st (D.Sim) for privately reporting it to our team. Please make sure you are using the latest version on your website.
The full changelog is available here.