Štítek pluginu: nav
Trepidation Advanced Mobile Navbar Plugin
(3 celkové hodnocení)Creates a mobile navbar across the top of your website with telephone and email tabs which can be turned on or off at different widths, and is color c …
Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation
(1 celkové hodnocení)Allows visitor to scoll through the posts on a page with the J/K keys.
MP Post Navigation
(0 celkové hodnocení)The plugin adds navigation links between articles of same category. Optimized for responsive, SEO and ergonomics.
HTML5 Widgets
(0 celkové hodnocení)This plugin allows you to change the DIV/Container element of each widget to one of the new HTML5 Semantic tags.
Live Admin Navigation Filter
(0 celkové hodnocení)Add a search box to the admin nav that allows you to more easily find that menu item you can't see at a glance.
Terme Nav Menu Icon
(2 celkové hodnocení)Terme Nav Menu Icon let you set an icon for your menu's items.
WAJ Admin Menu
(0 celkové hodnocení)Simple class & shortcodes for easily generating HTML for admin menus set up in WordPress.
Simplify Menu Usage
(0 celkové hodnocení)Handle your menus more efficient in the admin dashboard by fast moving, deleting and multi inserting at specific position.
Star Mobile Menu
(0 celkové hodnocení)Convert your theme's mobile menu to an excellent and more flexible menu.
Remove and Rearrange Menu
(3 celkové hodnocení)This is best way to get menu re-arrange and delete itself.