⭐️ Social Icons Widget PRO NOW AVAILABLE! ⭐️
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Social Icons Widget & Block helps you to add quickly icons with links to your profiles from different social networks. The plugin includes several icon sets, which gives you the possibility to use the widget for more than just linking to your social media profiles. You can use generic icons to add links to anything you want.
With the help of WPZOOM’s excellent Social Icons Widget plugin, you can link to all your social network profiles in no time, letting your visitors easily get in touch with you on all social media channels.
Read WPKlik’s review of this plugin: A Complete Guide to Social Icons Widget
- Upload your SVG icons – 🆕
- Load icons in SVG format – 🆕
- Add Icons to Menus
- Outstanding performance
- Premium Support
- and many new features coming soon!
⭐️ Get the PRO version! ⭐️
What’s new in 4.0.0
- NEW: Gutenberg Block
- New icon styles in the new Social Icons Block
- New options to customize your icons: change margin, padding, alignment, roundness etc.
What’s new in 3.0.0
- Added Global Color Picker to change the color of all icons
- Added a new color picker to change hover color on all icons
- Icons are now grouped in categories
What’s new in 2.2.0
- Added Padding and Size options for icons
- Added support for Skype links (skype:username)
What’s new in 2.1.0
- Search Icons by keywords
- FontAwesome Icon Set Integration
- Updated Instagram Icon
What’s new in 2.0
- New custom icons
- Color picker for each icon
- 3 Icon Sets from which you can choose more than 400 icons
Where I can view a Demo?
You can view the widget live in all our themes at WPZOOM.
View Demo & Examples
- Foodica Theme – header bar and sidebar
- Inspiro Theme – sidebar panel and footer
- Gutenberg Block
- Icon Sets + Shortcodes – NEW
- 100+ Sites/Social Networks supported
- 400+ Custom Icons
- 5 Icons Sets
- FontAwesome Integration
- Academicons Integration: 38 academia icons for academics
- Drag & Drop Icons
- Color Picker
- Search by keywords
- Adjust icon size & padding
- 2 Styles: Icon Shape and Icon with Background
- 3 Background Styles: Rounded Corners, Round, Square
- Retina Ready Icons
- Supports email addresses (mailto:email@example.com)
- Supports Telephone numbers (tel:12345)
- Supports Skype (skype:username?call)
- Supports Viber (viber://add?number=123456)
- Supports WhatsApp (https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=15551234567)
Twitter, X, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Skype, Yelp, Feedburner, LinkedIn, Bloglovin‘, Lookbook, Feedly, Periscope, SoundCloud, Spotify, Last.fm, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Flickr, 500px, Tumblr, Blogger, Reddit, Dribbble, Envato, Behance, DeviantArt, GitHub, RSS, Disqus, Stackoverflow, Komoot, Tiktok, Mailchimp, Podcasts, Telegram, TripAdvisor, AirBnb, Baidu, ebay, Medium, Periscope, Snapchat, Bandcamp, Eyem, Viber, Quora, Etsy, Meetup, Linode, IMDB, Overwatch, Strava, Tidal, Deezer, Unsplash, Codered, Udemy, CrunchBase, Angie’s List, App Store, Nextdoor, WhatsApp, ResearchGate, Slack, Songkick, ReverbNation
Some Social Icons are provided by the Socicon icon font.
Academicons are provided by James Walsh.
Social Icons Widget does not collect any information from your visitors, therefore it’s 100% GDPR compliant.
Get Involved
Looking to contribute code to this plugin? Go ahead and fork the repository over at GitHub.
Snímky obrazovky
Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.
- Wpzoom Blocks Social Icons
Simply search for the plugin via the Plugins -> Add New dialog and click install, or download and extract the plugin, and copy the plugin folder into your wp-content/plugins directory and activate.
After that go to the Widgets page and add the widget Social Icons by WPZOOM to a widget area like Sidebar.
Nejčastější dotazy
Where do I find more details about this plugin?
On our website.
Add the Social Icons Block to the editor and customize the icons as you want.
Social Ikony Widget & Block by WPZOOM je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Social Ikony Widget & Block by WPZOOM“ byl přeložen do 9 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
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Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Minor bug fixes
- New: Bluesky icon
- Minor bug fix
- Added a new Elementor widget to display icon sets created using this plugin
- Create Icon Sets and embed them anywhere with Shortcodes
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with arial label escaping
- Fixed an issue with the values of some fields not being escaped
- Removed the pointer from the Widgets page
- Updates to the Twitter icon
- New icons: X (use x.com/username for the new Twitter icon), Matrix, Element
- New icons: Threads, Venmo, Wise, Revolut, Gutenberg, Gravatar, OpenAI, Midjourney, WeChat, Roblox, OnlyFans, Figma, Elementor, Shopify, Woo, Gumroad, Artgram, Cubebrush, Aristree, OpenSea