The easiest way displaying current year and copyright symbol and since year in your copyright footer text or wherever else you like on your site.
Just use shortcodes [Y] for current year and [C] for copyright symbol after plugin activation.
If you need to display the current year, and have it always kept up to date, inserting this plugin’s [y] or [y] shortcode anywhere on your web site will do just that.
If you need to display an official Copyright notice, inserting this plugin’s [C] or [c] shortcode provides the official C with a circle around it (“©”) required legally in many countries to Copyright many forms of intellectual property.
Other shortcodes of this plugin:
* Use [cy] or [CY] to display copyright symbol © and the current year together.
* Use [cc] or [CC] to display copyright symbol © and the word “Copyright”.
* Use [csy since=”2016″] to display the symbol of copyright, first year and current year (Assuming it is currently the year 2019 ex. © 2016-2019).
* Use [ccsy since=”2016″] to display the symbol of copyright (©) and the word “Copyright”, first year and current year (Assuming it is currently the year 2019 ex. © Copyright 2016-2019).
- Upload the plugin files to the „/wp-content/plugins/snappy-year-shortcode“ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress.
- Place one or more shortcodes in the footer copyright text or anywhere else on your site to display the actual year and/or copyright symbol.
Nejčastější dotazy
- What are the shortcodes?
- Use [y] or [Y] to display current year.
- Use [c] or [C] to display copyright symbol ©.
- Use [cy] or [CY] to display copyright symbol © and the current year together.
- Use [cc] or [CC] to display copyright symbol © and the word “Copyright”.
- Use [csy since=”2016″] to display the symbol of copyright, first year, current year (Assuming it is currently the year 2019 ex. © 2016-2019).
- Use [ccsy since=”2016″] to display the symbol of copyright (©) and the word “Copyright”, first year, current year (Assuming it is currently the year 2019 ex. © Copyright 2016-2019).
- How since year work?
Shortcode with since year works through attribute since=””. It supports numbers only (ex. since=“2016″).
You must enter since attribute for first year.Example (assuming it is currently the year 2019):
[csy since=“2016″] outputs © 2016-2019
[ccsy since=“2016″] outputs © Copyright 2016-2019
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Snappy Year Shortcode je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Initial release.
- Shortcodes and since attribute functionality added.