

Tento plugin byl uzavřen, a je od 27. 7. 2023 nedostupný. Není již k dispozici ke stažení. Důvod: Bezpečnostní issue .


Hello, is it possible to add the Woocommerce Product Categories to the sitemap? I am haven a WPML – different domain per language – installation and when I am adding eg. the .com product categories to the sitemap, they will also be displayed in the .es sitemap and .de sitemap. Best regards
16. 4. 2019 1 odpověď
I have installed this and it doesn’t work. Both links create a 404 error. Any insight? Please reply.
8. 8. 2018
Please correct me if I“m wrong. But tried several times using the plugin, but only creates site maps for html files. Not xml
2. 5. 2018
Unless you have pages to add or want to block some pages, this is an easy „activate and forget“ plug-in. What more can I say?
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