Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Simple News


A very simple news plugin that output news.
(img, title, date, excerpt and link)

  • News are order by pub date.
  • A post type „NEWS“ is added.
  • Shortcodes

All shortcodes can combines!
* [news]
* [news number=2]
* [news offset=3]
* [news order=desc] – default
* [news order=asc]
* [news cat=1]
* [news cat=1,2,4]
Columns / grid (CSS grid styling):
* [news col=2]
* [news col=3]
* [news col=4]
* Related (Print this shortcode on the single news sidebar, and it shows news in the same category):
* [news type=related]

Shortcode page design examples
* 2 – 4 grid:
* [news number=2 col=2] [news col=4 offset=2]
2 – 4 grid (only category 3) :
* [news number=2 col=2 cat=3] [news col=4 offset=2 cat=3]


  1. Download the plugin, and unzip it.
  2. Place the News folder in your wp-content/plugins folder.
  3. Activate the plugin from the plugins tab of your WordPress admin.
  4. Save permalink structure again – because of the post type (news)

  5. Publish some news with the new post type = NEWS (Admin menu to the left)

  6. Use the shortcodes on a published page

Nejčastější dotazy

Can I request a feature to be added on the plugin?

Certainly and would love to hear about it. BUT – It is meant to be a very simple clean and useful plugin.
Please contact me with your suggestions at: 🙂


4. 3. 2024
This plugin is perfect for people who are looking for a simple, clear news structure to style themselves. Decide how many columns or which grid you want and style the divs using CSS as you want them. Everything else is mostly overloaded. Thank you Morten! PS: Tested with WP 6.4.3


2. 6. 2021 1 odpověď
Does not adhere to the theme, determines its own broad.
24. 8. 2020
I love this plugin – it is easy to use and looks great on the website I am building; I had a quick query on laying it out, which I sent yesterday and within minutes received a response. Really recommend this if you are looking to display news items on your site.
28. 11. 2019
A news section that is shown in a widget (can use also short codes to show on posts/pages). Write own news, shown the excerpt with a link to the full news. It’s separated category from the blog posts, so it doesn’t get mixed into newest articles. Exactly what I needed. Great support – got response within 24 hours.
20. 11. 2019
Nice & clean – ready to go! All you will ever need for showing your news 🙂 Great support!
Přečtěte si všech 12 recenzí


Simple News je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „Simple News“ byl přeložen do 3 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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