Supported Languages: English and Italian. At the moment.
This is a very basic version of the plugin, where I’ve filled in as many necessities as I can think of, while trying to keep it as simple and intuitive as possible. If there are any bugs or you want new features, write me at attesor@gmail.com and I will try to update the plugin as soon as possible.
Before writing a bad review of the plugin, please contact me for any problem: if you want to leave a positive one, thank you!
Author: Alessandro Piconi
Author website:https://www.invernomuto.net
Banner Image By Vito Drolec
Click install button on this page and activate the plugin. Enjoy.
Nejčastější dotazy
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I will definitely post answers to the faqs in the future
Simple Keyword to Link je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- ADD bootstrap stat support
- UPDATE WordPress version compatibility
- ADD now it is possible to indicate for each link if you want to replace only whole words and not substrings
- UPDATE addresses are saved as entered, without being lowercased
- BUGFIX fixed a problem with inserting doctype and content type headers that were repeatedly inserted within the content
- BUGFIX if a word is contained within a url associated with another previously replaced word, an error was generated
- First stable version