Simple AL Slider is enough flexible and very easy to setup. You can add images, texts, buttons, templates and videos to any of your slide. It very helpful to show all benefits of your site for example.
You can choose from many effects and add to effect collection for current project. Simple slider cover any of your needs.
Main features of the slider
- Responsive design.
- Capability to add images.
- Capability to add texts.
- Capability to add custom html templates.
- Capability to make buttons.
- Capability to add video (youtube, vimeo …). Read faq for important details.
- Capability to attach css rules to text items and to slider.
- Generate shortcodes to add to pages or posts or template file.
- Capability to add links.
- You can add a set of css rules to any text item.
- You can add slider as widget.
- Capability to setup right/left buttons in slider.
- Many effects.
- Full width, full screen and default modes.
- You can add slides indicators.
- Enable/Disable autoplay.
- Preloader (with lazy load).
- You can apply any form for slides.
- Good choice for big slides lists.
- SEO optimized.
- Crossbrowser.
- W3C Valid: HTML & CSS (on demo site there are errors only in theme).
Supported Languages
- English.
- Russian.
If you want to translate into any language contact me please. Thanks.
Snímky obrazovky
- Upload
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Create new project
- Upload images using upload button in „Slider“ tab
- Add elements using „create new element“ button on „Elements“ tab
- Get codes from „Paste Code“ tab and insert into page/post/template.
Nejčastější dotazy
1.How can i set background of text item transparent?
In field style of text item add : Example – background-color:rgba(55,55,55,0.1);
2.In admin area i can see only part of slides,images and texts. What am i doing wrong?
Probably in slides tab you choose to show only range of slides (links at the bottom). Texts and images depends on slides you choose. Number slides per page you can setup in cfg.php file.
- Where can i setup my slider?
You can setup it in admin area and in cfg/cfg.php file (additional settings).
4.Can i add video from youtube?
Yes. But there is an important thing. If you add video, place it between <!–video–> and <!–*video–>
You can add html code of video into template file and attach to slide as template element. Don’t forget to setup width and height of element in plugin admin panel.
How can i made buttons?
You can made it through creating text element with apropriate classes or in template element. -
How can i add pick color library?
In cfg.php file set $jquery_minicolors to true. -
How can i change a form of slides?
Upload mask file into „templates/front_masks“ or choose already uploaded and apply it in the slider project.
Simple AL Slider je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- First version.
- external libraries loading changed and removed console notice about attached image.
- new effects added, added capability to work with range of slides, added new buttons, changed algorithm for old browsers, changed some specific features.
- added capability for multiply effects applying.
- added upgrade db capability.
- added new effects, and not css creation of image.
- names changes.
- added indicators of slides in front end and full width mode.
- added autoplay, added capability to insert templates, fixed resize bug.
- preloader added, fixed resize bug.
- buttons bug fixed, moving text for old browsers.
- buttons old browsers bug fixed, two sliders on one page bug fixed.
- fixed ie8 bugs, some effects bug fixed, some images preloading firefox bug fixed.
- effects added.
- lazy load added, fixed templates in admin panel.
- added capability to apply any form for slides, project reworked, removed jquery ui, decrease js size, fixed some bugs ie.
- fixed flickr bug, added bootstrap library, added bulk save images and elements, added bulk apply properties to set of elements,
added thumbs instead images in admin panel, video with all effects, minicolor by default, in slides added capability to work with sets,
you can set opacity in buttons, width and size of indicators with top position, added double effects(two sided), added
mask files.
- fixed bug empty projects.
- add uniqueness to some classes, effects bug ie fixed, effect and div positioning bug safari fixed.
- fixed serious bug with loading scripts and styles, removed effects which were slow on some browsers, decreased js and css size,
added multilanguage support.
- fixed php 5.4 array restriction, removed static call scripts and styles, fixed bug with bulk apply select boxes.
- foreign key notice fixed.
- removed notices in debug mode, fixed full slides mode, fixed bullets bug, widget bug fixed.
- added seo optimization, removed html and css errors as w3c standard.
- test new wp version.