

SEOWriting‚s AI-powered writing assistant is designed to create SEO-optimized content with images and relevant videos from YouTube in 1-Click and Bulk modes. SEOWriting provides auto-posting to WordPress websites, allowing users to publish & schedule their content directly from the platform.

SEOWriting’s powerful plugin allows you to seamlessly publish titles, texts, images, meta titles, and meta descriptions on your WordPress website. The installation process is quick and easy, and you can find a step-by-step guide here.

The plugin uses the REST-API provided by The Service is provided under the terms of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


14. 2. 2025
Excellent tool, it has helped me a lot to produce quality content, I have two blogs and and it has been essential for the development of my texts and especially with SEO. I recommend it!
13. 2. 2025
لقد استفدت كتيرا من هذه الاداة المميزة, وساعدتني في تحسين محركات البحت و الحصول على نقرات عضوية بفعل .المقالات المكتوبة بواسطتها, فعلا تستحق التجربة
6. 2. 2025 1 odpověď
The plugin SEOWriting works fine. On your WordPress website, you have to activate the certificate SSL
6. 2. 2025
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (أو حسب تقييمك) „تجربتي مع SEO Writing كانت رائعة! 🚀 ساعدني في تحسين المحتوى الخاص بي بشكل احترافي وسهل الفهم. الأدوات التي يقدمونها مفيدة جدًا، وساهمت في تحسين ظهور مقالاتي في محركات البحث. 💡✨ أنصح به لأي شخص يريد تحسين جودة كتاباته وتحقيق نتائج أفضل في السيو! شكرًا لكم على الخدمة الممتازة! 🙌“
Přečtěte si všech 92 recenzí


SEOWriting je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


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Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.

Přehled změn

1.9.3 (2024/12/05)

* Notification about plugin version update

1.9.1 (2024/10/31)

* Loading and setting categories for custom post types

1.9.0 (2024/10/30)

* Publishing text with page type selection

1.8.4 (2024/09/04)

* Internal changes

1.8.3 (2024/07/29)

* Stable version number of the plugin.

1.8.2 (2024/07/28)

* Loading third-party plugins if the plugin has been renamed.

1.8.1 (2024/07/19)

* Interface improvements.

1.8.0 (2024/07/19)

* Renaming the plugin to protect against external scanning.

1.7.1 (2024/07/12)

* Paginated export posts to create knowledge base.

1.7.0 (2024/07/04)

* Export posts to create knowledge base.
* Authorization on the website is performed in a new tab.

1.6.2 (2024/06/13)

Feature: Multiple keyword support in some plugins.

1.6.1 (2024/05/23)

Feature: Internal changes.

1.6.0 (2024/05/23)

Feature: Ability to disable markup.

1.5.6 (2024/04/11)

Feature: Internal changes to the plugin to determine the user who activated the plugin.

1.5.5 (2024/04/10)

Feature: Internal changes to the plugin to determine the user who activated the plugin.

1.5.4 (2024/04/08)

Fix: The correct way to pass the author ID from the backend to the plugin

1.5.3 (2024/04/08)

Feature: Internal changes to get a list of authors who are allowed to publish

1.5.2 (2024/03/21)

Fix: The default plugin uses production endpoint.

1.5.1 (2024/03/11)

Fix: Plugin renamed back according to the requirements of catalog moderators.

1.5.0 (2024/03/11)

Fix: Plugin renamed according to the requirements of catalog moderators.

1.4.17 (2024/03/05)

Fix: Escaping the output of plugin according to the requirements of catalog moderators.

1.4.16 (2024/02/20)

Feature: Changed the method of storing and retrieving error logs.
Fix: Escaping the output of plugin according to the requirements of catalog moderators.

1.4.15 (2024/02/12)

Fix: Escaping the output of plugin settings according to the requirements of catalog moderators.

1.4.14 (2024/02/12)

Fix: Removed the limit on the number of categories the plugin receives.

1.4.13 (2024/02/07)

Feature: Better text encoding for JSON_LD markup.

1.4.12 (2024/02/07)

Fix: Correct processing of HTML coming to the WP from the service to display markup.

1.4.11 (2024/02/07)

Feature: By default, splitting a post into blocks for Elementor is disabled.
Fix: Splitting a post into blocks in Elementor with multibyte language support.

1.4.10 (2024/02/07)

Fix: Path to the API for the production version of the plugin.

1.4.9 (2024/02/06)

Feature: Debug mode to interact with the client’s WP when a service request is received from the client.

1.4.8 (2024/02/06)

Feature: Ability to disable splitting a post into Elementor blocks in the settings.

1.4.7 (2024/02/06)

Fix: Forced setting of utf-8 encoding for correct processing of multibyte languages in Elementor parser.
Fix: Escaping the output of plugin settings according to the requirements of catalog moderators.

1.4.6 (2024/02/03)

  • Feature: minimum supported version of PHP is set to 5.6.20
  • Feature: internal changes
  • Fix: output of markup as node attributes or as JSON-LD

1.4.5 (2024/02/02)

  • Feature: Hiding libxml internal errors when parsing HTML for Elementor

1.4.4 (2024/01/30)

  • Fix: video publishing in Elementor

1.4.3 (2024/01/30)

  • Feature: publishing posts with a date in the past

1.4.2 (2024/01/30)

  • Fix: more accurate checking of content type in the API

1.4.1 (2024/01/30)

  • Fix: compatibility with PHP 5.6. and WP 4.9

1.4.0 (2024/01/26)

  • Feature: Youtube video in Elementor markup
  • Fix: JSON-LD output

1.3.1 (2024/01/24)

  • Fix: common way of defining the context of a file call method

1.3.0 (2024/01/24)

  • Feature: possibility to create post_excerpt when sending data from service

1.2.3 (2024/01/23)

  • Feature: fillable focus keyphrase, og:title and og:description for the All in one SEO plugin
  • Feature: fillable og:title, og:description, twitter:title, twitter:description for the The SEO Framework plugin
  • Feature: fillable og:title, og:description, twitter:title, twitter:description for the SEOPress plugin

1.2.2 (2024/01/23)

  • Feature: internal changes to create two types of releases: a) for all clients b) for internal testing

1.2.1 (2024/01/23)

  • Feature: added utm-tags to the readme.txt file

1.2.0 (2024/01/23)

  • Feature: meta tags support for Squirrly SEO (Newton) plugin

1.1.9 (2024/01/22)

  • Update: readme.txt
  • Fix: comments on the code sent by the plugin moderation team


  • Publish content from SEOWriting to WordPress.