Secure Password Generator is a plugin written by Oak Creek Development that allows you to add a secure password generator to your WordPress website. Just place the shortcode: [secure_pw_gen][/secure_pw_gen] on any page.
This can be a great way to encourage your users within your organization to start using secure random passwords for everything. It is easy and convenient to keep a pinned tab open on your public or internal website.
How to install Secure Password Generator
Manual install
- Download Secure Password Generator from https://www.oakcreekdev.com/tools/secure-password-generator/
- Upload the „secure-password-generator“ directory to your ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory
- Activate Secure Password Generator from your Plugins page
Via WordPress
- Search for „Secure Password Generator“
- Click install
- Activate
Nejčastější dotazy
Are there any settings?
No, there are currently no settings. Once activated, you can place the shortcode: [secure_pw_gen][/secure_pw_gen] on any page.
In the future, the plugin will have additional settings and options. Using certain special characters such as „]“ within shortcode attributes causes problems, so these will be placed between the opening and closing tags of the shortcode. Using only the bare opening tag with no options will work fine, but it is recommended to use the full shortcode just to be safe and avoid any conflics in future versions.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Secure Password Generator je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
1.0.1 (February 26, 2023)
Initial release