

Tento plugin byl uzavřen, a je od 16. 1. 2025 nedostupný. Není již k dispozici ke stažení. Toto uzavření je dočasné. Čeká se na kompletní přezkum.


3. 9. 2016
When I activate the Testing Environment, my page layout came to a complete mess, lots of things going on, and it does not shows a thing that it’s just the test env. After a while, I’ve had to come to my hosting account, trough the file manager to discover how to force leave this sh*ty test thing. To leave it, clear the cache on your browser that has the informations of your website, then you will be able to login again and uninstall this plugin for good.
3. 9. 2016
When I installed it and activated the plugin it said it was successful. Then I was unable to access the admin area after I logged in. I didnt have permission. Now I am stuck…
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