Redirect attachment pages for WordPress is a plugin developed to stop attachment pages to be viewed from users, to prevent not useful pages that in most cases contains only the single image, without title o description. That pages, when indexed, in some cases can negatively affect pagerak increasing the bounce rate. With Redirect attachment pages for WordPress you can properly redirect users and search engines bots to the parent page or to homepage url, if the attachment has no parent.
Redirect attachment pages for WordPress plugin provide you extra features, such as:
* Redirect to attachment parent page
* Redirect to homepage url (if attachment has no parent)
For more information, see Official page.
Docs & Support
You can find help in the support forum on WordPress.org. If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.
You can translate Redirect attachment pages for WordPress on translate.wordpress.org.
- Upload the entire
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the
menu in WordPress.
Nejčastější dotazy
What happens if someone reaches an attachment page?
Plugin redirect users to attachment parent page permanently
If attachment hasn’t a parent page, plugin redirect to homepage url
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Redirect attachment pages for WordPress je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
For more information, see Official page.
= v1.0.3
* Compatibility check for WP v6.6
= v1.0.2
* Compatibility check for WP v6.3
* Compatibility check for WC HPOS
- Compatibility check for WP v6.1
- Initial release