Real IP and Geo for Cloudflare


From the Cloudflare Support website:

Q: Why do my server logs show Cloudflare’s IPs using Cloudflare?

A: When you sign on to Cloudflare the way your logs are displayed will change because Cloudflare
acts as a proxy. This means that your visitors are routed through the Cloudflare network. This
allows Cloudflare to stop attacks before they reach your network. It also allows Cloudflare to
speed up page load time by more efficiently routing packets and, more importantly, caching
static resources (images, javascript, css, etc.) on a very fast connection. However, as a
result, the connecting IP will always come from the Cloudflare network.

As a result, commenters‘ IP will also be masked by Cloudflare. Luckily, Cloudflare sends the real
user’s IP in a separate header. This plugin saves it, as well as the user’s geo-location (also
provided by Cloudflare), and displays this information in the admin panel.

Note that when the blog is served directly to the internet (not through Cloudflare), anyone can
spoof any IP address and geo-location by specifying any value in the request headers.

Snímky obrazovky

  • The admin panel with the plugin activated


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/real-ip-and-geo-for-cloudflare directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress

Nejčastější dotazy

Searching by clicking on the IP stopped working

That’s a known limitation.


7. 11. 2018
I wasn’t expecting it to work as well. It provides true IP to both Gravity Forms and Woocommerce. Amazing!
Přečtěte si všechny 2 recenze


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Přehled změn


  • Added basic validation for the IP and geo-location formats.


  • The first version of the plugin.