Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Player for Web Pure Data patches


This plugin allows you to upload Pure Data patches with the .pd extension in Media > Add New.

After that you can use the Shortcode [pd patch=“put_uploaded_patch_url_here“] to run that patch in a post or page.

If you’re building a theme you can also run the shortcdode using the do_shortcode() function.


If you wish to contribute to this plugin you can do it in GitHub.

Pick any issue or feature that fancies you and then write a comment in there so you can be assigned to it and we can discuss on how you may approach it.

There’s a prepared development environment that you can use in GitHub.

Build status

Included libraries

This plugin makes use of WebPd Javascript library released under LGPL-3.0-or-later license.

You can get the source code of the WebPd Javascript library from its GitHub repository.


This plugin is released under LGPL-3.0-or-later license.


You can install it by uploading the plugin zip in Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.

Nejčastější dotazy

Why my Pure Data patch does not work?

Only patches compatible with the WebPd Javascript library will work with this plugin.

Why I can’t see my Pure Data patch controls?

The WebPd Javascript library does not support rendering controls at the moment so any patch you upload and run must be autonomous.


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


Player for Web Pure Data patches je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn

1.0.0 – Audacious Abs

  • Allow .pd files to be uploaded in media.
  • Provide „pd“ shortcode.


  • Escape URL provided in patch so it is not possible to inject js through that parameter.


  • Tested up to 5.7


  • Check publish workflow