paynow gives you a free registration and only 0.95% commission.
Simple configuration for BLIK, quick transfers and cards payments. Pay-out immediately on the bank account. To use paynow, you need to have a business account in mBank.
If you do not have an account in the Paynow system yet, register in the Production or Sandbox environment.
- Go to the WooCommerce administration page
- Go to
Settings > Payments
- Search and select
and clickManage
- Production credential keys can be found in the tab
My business > Paynow > Settings > Shops and poses > Authentication data
in the mBank’s online banking.
**Sandbox credential keys can be found inSettings > Shops and poses > Authentication data
in the sandbox panel. - Depending on the environment you want to connect to go to the
Production configuration
section or theSandbox configuration
section and typeApi Key
andSignature Key
in the proper fields.
Nejčastější dotazy
How to configure the return address?
The return address will be set automatically for each order. There is no need to manually configure this address.
How to configure the notification address?
In the Paynow merchant panel go to the tab
Settings > Shops and poses
, in the fieldNotification address
set the address:https://your-domain.pl/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Pay_By_Paynow_PL
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