You need strong password to protect your site. However, how do you remember it or is it really strong?
„PassClip Auth“ provides really strong password that is also easy to remember.
Once you make your „pattern“, you can get your password using „PassClip“. And the password will change every 30 seconds(at the shortest).
Get and sign up for PassClip
- Go to the page about PassClip and install PassClip on your smart phone.
- Activate your PassClip by registering your „pattern“ and email address.
Sign up for PassClip Auth(PCA)
- Input PassClip Code „paauth“ in your PassClip. That makes a new slot in your PassClip.
- Go to PassClip Auth member’s page and log in with your email address and password which the slot shows you.
- Make your „PassClip Code“. And then you get your „PassClip Auth app service id(PCA app service id)“. You need both „code“ and „id“ to use this plugin.
How to apply PassClip Auth to your site
- Install and activate this plugin to your WordPress.
- Go to PassClip Auth Options Setting from the menu.
- Input the PassClip Auth app service id(PCA app service id), PassClip Code and other items in the setting page and click the „Save Change“ button.
How to log in to WordPress site with PassClip Auth
- Users register PassClip Code of your site in their PassClip. That makes a new slot to get password to log in to your site.
- Show the password in PassClip (tap the new slot).
- In login form of your site, users enter email address and password in the slot. (Users do not need general WordPress password.)
- Click the „Log in“ button.
Snímky obrazovky
- Unzip the downloaded plugin zip file.
- Upload
directory and its contents to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
Nejčastější dotazy
- Although I entered the correct password, I can not log in to wordpress after activation of this plugin.
Check the connection to the PassClip Auth server from your WordPress server.
If the connection has no ploblem, be sure to input your email address which you registered with the PassClip Code.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
PassClip Auth for WordPress je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
Fixed for the multisite.
Added filters.
Fixed translation.
Fixed for the multisite.
Added filters.
Added widget.
Added Simple Setting.
Fixed language files and some urls.