Page Sidebar for Twenty Seventeen


Twenty Seventeen is the official WordPress theme in 2017 and it’s really awesome, but unfortunately it has no way to display a sidebar on pages 🙁
Let’s fix that.

Sidebar on all the pages

This tiny plugin will add the default sidebar to all the pages, including the front page! You don’t have to touch a single line of code, and it works for Twenty Seventeen child themes too.

For best results, go to Customize > Theme Options and set Page Layout to One Column.

Sidebar on individual pages

If you want your page sidebar to differ from your post sidebar, it is recommended to also install Content Aware Sidebars in addition to this plugin. That will allow you to show and hide widget areas on a wide range of conditions, giving you complete control over your sidebar.


  1. Navigate to ‚Plugins > Add New‘
  2. Search for ‚page sidebar for twentyseventeen‘
  3. Install and activate the plugin
  4. That’s it! Sidebar will now be displayed on all pages

Nejčastější dotazy

Will this plugin work with my theme?

This plugin only works for the Twenty Seventeen theme and its child themes. Try installing it while using another theme, and you’ll see it do… nothing at all.

How to show/hide a different sidebar on pages?

This plugin adds the default sidebar to all pages. If you want to display or hide different sidebars on different pages, we recommend installing Content Aware Sidebars as well.

Click here to read more.

Sidebar is not displayed on the front page?

Due to limitations in the theme, the front page sidebar will not be displayed if using the Front Page Sections feature.

Is it possible to move sidebar to the left?

Not with this plugin, it simply adds the Blog Sidebar to all pages.


23. 9. 2020
Works perfectly. Twentyseventeen is a great theme for its clean layout. This plugin extends design continuity between posts and pages. i also use „Category Tag Pages“ plugin. „Page Sidebar for Twenty Seventeen“ would be even better if it created a „article footer.entry-footer“ slot for page taxonomy.
21. 4. 2020
I tried the directions: Go to customize-theme options-=page layout one- but nothing works.
15. 2. 2019
Couldn’t be easier to add a sidebar to Twenty Seventeen. Only on the right hand side, though, but that’s fine with me. And not on the home page if it’s static, but that’s what I wanted anyway. And for jue_mue who said it’s not working, it’s probably working but empty. You have to add a widget to the sidebar or it won’t appear.
31. 12. 2017
I regret to report the plugin’s only half working. Sidebars magically appeared on separately-published pages, but not on those I’ve allocated to the front-page panels. I belatedly found this in the info: „Due to limitations in the theme, the front page sidebar will not be displayed if using the Front Page Sections feature.“ Pity, as that’s where I wanted them – but if you use a lot of pages (as opposed to posts) on your 2017 site, this would be very handy.
Přečtěte si všech 12 recenzí


Page Sidebar for Twenty Seventeen je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


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Přehled změn


  • [new] wordpress 5.8 support


  • [fixed] featured image on front page could make widgets unusable
  • [fixed] compatibility when using another theme on mobile devices


  • Initial release