Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

OtFm Countdown to New Year block


WordPress 5.0 introduces a block-based editor (codename „Gutenberg“ and gutenberg blocks) that offers a streamlined editing experience.
The plugin adds in the block editor countdown to New Year. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds until New Year day.

Waiting for the holiday? New year will not pass you by with this block-counter.

Select from several backgrounds and width column timer

Check out all beauty and power of the plugin by watching this video:


PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 recommended for better performance, WordPress 5.5.3


Available in English, Russian, Ukrainian, French (France), Italian, Spanish and more other languages in becoming.


Thanks to BArS for Ukrainian translation approval.

Thanks to fxbenard, wrey75, Didier Wolforg for the translation and approval of the translation into French (France).

Thanks to Wolly aka Paolo Valenti for Italian translation approval.

Thanks to Yordan Soares, Fernando Tellado for Spanish (Spain) (and Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Venezuela)) translations.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Find & add Countdown blocks
  • Countdown to New Year block – in editor
  • Countdown to New Year block – in frontend
  • Countdown to New Year block – on mobile
  • End count message


Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.

  • OtFm Countdown to New Year block


  1. Install OtFm Countdown to New Year block plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory, or upload the otfm-countdown-to-new-year-block folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or alternatively upload the file via the plugin page of WordPress by clicking ‚Add New‘ and selecting the zip from your computer.
  2. Activate OtFm Countdown to New Year block plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Use OtFm Countdown to New Year block on your next page or post.

Nejčastější dotazy

What WordPress themes work with OtFm Countdown to New Year block?

Any properly developed WordPress theme will work with OtFm Countdown to New Year block

How do I find the Countdown to New Year block?

  1. Go to the block editor (add new post)
  2. Click „insert block“
  3. Search for a block „Countdown“ or „otfm“ or „New Year“

Is OtFm Countdown to New Year block free?

Yes! OtFm Countdown to New Year block core features are absolutely free.

Where can I ask for help?

Write me


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


OtFm Countdown to New Year block je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „OtFm Countdown to New Year block“ byl přeložen do 9 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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Přehled změn


* Checking in work in WordPress 5.5.3


* codestyle
* check in WordPress 5.2.4


* fix translation
* full js translation
* width->minWidth column fix


* Release