Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap


Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap provides a basic proxy, which allows other OpenStreetMap plugins to load map tiles from your server instead from OpenStreetMap servers.

Sponsor: sachsen.tours

Contribute: https://github.com/moewe-io/osm-tiles-proxy

Known to work with these plugins


  • Beware: Depending on your map and the tiles you need, a lot of storage is needed.
  • Might be slower than official servers (depends on your server)
  • First requests might be slow as map tiles are cached on request


You can use filters to get the URLs from the plugin:

  $proxy_cached_url   = apply_filters( 'osm_tiles_proxy_get_proxy_url', $proxy_cached_url );
  $proxy_rest_api_url = apply_filters( 'osm_tiles_proxy_get_proxy_rest_url', $proxy_rest_api_url );
  $leadlet_js_url     = apply_filters( 'osm_tiles_proxy_get_leaflet_js_url', $leadlet_js_url );
  $leadlet_css_url    = apply_filters( 'osm_tiles_proxy_get_leaflet_css_url', $leadlet_css_url );


To disable cache invalidation when WP Rocket or WP Fastest Cache invalidate their cache, you can set the following constant in your wp-config.php


Snímky obrazovky

  • Needed URLs are shown in the plugins overview
  • Example usage with Leaflet Map
  • Customizer overview

Nejčastější dotazy

Does this work with every plugin?

The plugin must support changing the OpenStreetMap tile server.


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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Přehled změn


  • Fixed warning for registering REST route


  • Updated to latest Leaflet.js (1.9.4)


  • The plugin will now automagically overwrite default settings for Leaflet Map.


  • Added missing files to SVN, don’t know why there are missing… Why can’t they just support git, like everyone else?


  • Updated to latest Leaflet.js (1.9.3)
    • Note: This might be incompatible, if you are still using 1.8.x
  • Registered Leaflet JS and CSS, so it can be enqueued using wp_enqueue_style('leaflet-js') and wp_enqueue_script('leaflet-js')
  • Fixed js/css urls shown in administration


  • Added filters to get URLs for Leaflet and Proxy #5
  • Added constant OSM_PROXY_DISABLE_CLEAR_CACHE to disable cache invalidation (for WP Rocket and WP Fastest Cache)


  • Fixed wrong redirect to placeholder on every 404


  • Updated Leaflet.js to 1.6.0
  • Added a new Customizer panel, which allows you to define some restrictions for downloaded tiles
  • Require PHP 7.2+, we urge everyone keep PHP updated and will stick to official end of security updates for PHP
  • Downloaded tiles will be cleared, when „entire cache“ is cleared in WP Rocket
  • Downloaded tiles will be cleared, when cache is cleared in WP Fastest Cache


  • Updated leaflet.js to 1.3.4
  • Fix: Use WP_CONTENT_DIR instead of wp_upload_dir()


  • Public release in WordPress repo
  • Disabled REST API by default
  • Added local caching of tiles


  • Added a list of URLs to the plugin overview


  • First release